What do you think of good and evil? Is there complete good and evil?
In China more than two years ago, Mencius said that human nature is good and Xunzi said that human nature is evil. The gods in the west did not let Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. They were tempted and ate it anyway. As a result, people brought "original sin". Confucius said, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. That's great. Cao Cao said, I would rather be blamed by the whole world than by the whole world. Wang Jingwei said that it is a great evil to kill thousands of people in vain rather than let one person escape the net. Liu Bei said, don't do good, don't do evil, do good. Philosophers say, stop at perfection. It is impossible to have a good name, so there is nothing to say. In fact, the coexistence of good and evil, just like bees and flies, is the inevitable result of society. According to Durkheim's social theory, crimes and other illegal acts are actually social necessity. If a society wants to eliminate its unacceptable behaviors, it can only be realized when the collective moral feelings of the society are particularly strong and highly consistent enough to mobilize the strength of the whole society. However, it is almost impossible to achieve this universal and absolute consistency in moral consciousness. Therefore, society will always leave room for all kinds of behaviors that do not conform to collective moral feelings or even conflict with them. ) Good and evil are relative, depending on who will see and how. Nietzsche put forward two basic morals in his Theory of Moral Genealogy: the master's morals and the slave's morals. In the master's morality, relatively speaking, good and evil are equal to nobility and meanness. Good means to rule the world, and evil means to be suppressed, oppressed, suppressed or trampled underfoot. Slave morality clearly expresses the standard of judging goodness, which is extremely opposite to the standard of goodness clearly expressed by master's morality: people who support slave morality praise kindness, humility, sympathy and other characteristics and regard it as slave virtue; They belittle the characteristics of decisiveness, indifference and arrogance, and regard them as slave vices. In this way, those individuals who show weakness and dependence are regarded as saints, while those who are strong and independent are regarded as sinners. According to the standard of slave morality, the good in master morality is the wicked, and the wicked in master morality is the good. In the book, Tony wrote sarcastically: "Today we can't see anything we want to thrive, and we suspect that everything will continue to decline and decline;" Want to be thinner, kinder, more aesthetic, more stable, more comfortable, more mediocre, more indifferent, more like China people, more Christian-there is no doubt that people have been getting better and better. "Good suppresses evil, and evil stimulates good. (For example, British treasure hunter Hatch discovered the China Qing merchant ship Taixing, known as the "Oriental Titanic", before the China government, and recovered more than one million pieces of precious Qing porcelain from it. In order to seek more economic benefits in the collection market, he broke 600 thousand pieces of porcelain! This "great evil" has stimulated us in China to speed up the salvage and protection of cultural relics, which led to the recent salvage of the Nanhai No.1 shipwreck. Theoretically, these behaviors constantly challenge and stimulate the collective moral feelings of society. When this stimulus reaches a certain intensity, these behaviors will be regarded as illegal or even criminal. However, this kind of challenge itself also provides the possibility for remolding the collective moral emotion. Illegal behavior, including crime, is actually one of the important mechanisms of legal and moral evolution. Good and evil go the same way, but when they break up, good pushes the door of heaven and evil pushes the door of hell. Good and evil are always intertwined, which constitutes a social contradiction. Who can tell the taste?