? "Report your audience with the Prime Minister" and "Xuan", I asked, "Why did you come late at night?" "My Lord, I have come to persuade you to take back your life." "This is an order from the emperor, and I have no right to refuse." "Master, what orders of the imperial court are not from you now?" "Wen Ruo, if you know, why did you come to persuade orphans?" Yu Xun suddenly knelt down and shouted, "Master, have you forgotten your ideal? At that time, you took it as your duty to pay tribute to the Korean family and serve the country wholeheartedly, but now? Your sword goes to court, but you don't bow to your face. What else do you want? "
? Yu Xun burst into tears. I looked at Yu Xun's eyes and said, "If Yan Wen is serious, I have dedicated myself to this big fellow, saying that the whole world is not a king's land, but I didn't photograph every inch of this world. I dedicated him to the emperor. Shouldn't he give me the glory I deserve? " Yu Xun added, "But master, have you forgotten the White Horse Alliance? The non-emperor room cannot be king! " "Bullshit," I growled. "The leader would rather have balls? As long as the surname is Liu, can you govern the country even if you are gluttonous? Meritorious rewards, not remembering birth, this is my criterion, and because of this criterion, this huge country has been laid! "
? Yu Xun said, "Master, do you really want to rebel?" "Wen Ruo, do you know that slandering orphans is a capital crime?" "Prime Minister, if Wen wants to use this life to persuade you to give up being king," he will hit his head against the post. I quickly hugged him. "Wen Ruo, do you think I am the king of Qin?" I asked in a low voice, "Wen Ruo, can't you see the general trend of the world? Why don't you help me? Is that emperor really that good? " "Master, the emperor today is not fatuous! If you are willing to help him wholeheartedly, you can unify the whole country and realize ZTE, so that your contribution to rebuilding the Han Dynasty will be immortal! " I said coldly, "yes, the emperor is not fatuous, but very wise!" But which wise monarch would allow a servant who has done great deeds to cover the Lord? What will he reward me if I give him the military power? He will kill me in the blink of an eye, killing hundreds of Xiahou people, and then history books will only juxtapose me with Dong Zhuo, and I will only be remembered forever! "
? I wailed: "I have no way out! I am the next Han Xin, and the death of my family is my destiny. I don't want to die, but you have the heart to watch my nephews die? Can you help me? Wen Ruo, we have laid the world together! " Yu Xun buckled the blue brick dyed dark green by blood with his head, "I beg the master to take it back." I put away the fragile things and remembered the first time I saw Yu Xun.
? At that time, we were both teenagers, and I chatted with him until we drank. I said I hoped that after my death, the tombstone would read the tomb of General Xi of Han Zheng. He said with a smile that he would be my military commander and personally wrote an inscription for me. Now I say he will be Wang Wei, but he refuses to be my prime minister. The past was touching, and at present, I held back my murder. "You go", "master" and "get out", and Chu Xu kicked him out. "Master, should I kill him?" Chu Xu asked him when he came back. "No, there were not many old brothers," I waved. "Zhong Kang, what do you think of me as Wang Wei?" Chu Xu smiled and said, "I think your master can be emperor." "Ha ha, get out of here." I criticized.
? It's late at night, but I can't sleep. Thoughts are flying, and scenes of the past emerge in front of me.
I still remember that year, the year of weak crown, when I was the first lieutenant in northern Luoyang. Young and frivolous, I set up a five-color stick, enforced the law impartially and glued my uncle's plan to death. The ruling and opposition parties shook. Thanks to my father, I survived. From then on, I understood that the law doesn't blame you! I realized that this is a world where the law of the jungle prevails. The law is just a joke of the powerful.
The ancients said: Stand at thirty. By the time I was thirty, I had become a captain on horseback. It's cool and heroic, with a horizontal gun at once. It's awesome. I swear, I will be loyal to this country until I die. When I took my soldiers to counter-insurgency, I was shocked at the first battle. There is a sea of people across the street, and I only have a few thousand soldiers. I led my soldiers, rushed into the enemy lines, killed them and had a good time. What do I see? A group of sallow and emaciated farmers, with sticks and hoes in their hands, are mixed with old, weak, women and children.
? We fought hard and I cut off the head of an old man. There is no fear in the eyes of his flying head, only liberation. I saw a little girl as big as my daughter, and her big eyes were full of hatred. She shouted and ran to me, waving a branch in her hand. I watched the branches in her hand hit my armor. Once, once, she shouted at her grandfather. I lost my mind and cut it with a knife. I knew she was lying in a pool of blood, but I was really scared. I dare not look back. I shouted, for your majesty, for the empire, they are anti-thieves, they are vicious, they should all be killed ... I hold back my tears, I can't cry, I can't cry, my father is old, I am, I am the hope of the Cao family.
? Cao Mengde rate alone two thousand, break ten thousand, warrior, special reward of two hundred, officer to jinan. I returned to Luoyang with honor. Along the way, I watched Huang Fusong build dozens of Beijing temples with the heads of anti-thieves, and watched him become a peerless star with these heads. Xing, the people suffer; Death makes people suffer. I want to change all this! Is it possible? I'm just a small photo of Jinan.
Remember that Ziziphus jujuba League? It's a joke to think about it now. The Kanto Allied Forces, on the other hand, were unwilling to send troops to save King Luoyang. I am like a rebellious hero, leading the army against Dong Zhuo alone. Young and frivolous, almost died on the spot. From then on, I am not hot-blooded. I know that I hold not only the war in my hands, but also the lives of the soldiers.
Benchu is my big brother. Do you still remember the scene when we first met as children? He is handsome and smiling. It's not that he doesn't like my family background, but he makes way for me everywhere. In my heart, he is my big brother. Remember the scene of robbing the bride together when I was a child. Even now, I can't help laughing. Even after we grow up, he often takes care of me. He always thought he was my brother, and even after he occupied four states, he never looked down on me. However, in the battle of Guandu, we fought with our lives. Brother lenient, his defense was lax, his men rebelled and he was defeated. Watching him escape with hundreds of riders, I didn't stop him. I looked at the distance and said silently, "Go well, big brother, and be brothers in the afterlife." Eldest brother lost, and my time began.
I still remember the scene when I appeared in front of the spirit emperor. Rowen showed off, and all the officials stood still. Who dares to be presumptuous? Is the spirit emperor fatuous? I don't know. Now, the little emperor in front of me is as white as a dog, and the awe in his heart gradually disappears. So much for the so-called real dragon emperor.
? With due respect, I welcome the little emperor back to Xudu. I know I'm a little arrogant, but I gave him all the world I laid down. He shouldn't give me the glory I deserve, should he? If there were no me in the world, how many people would be kings and emperors?
? Until the imperial decree, I didn't expect the emperor to hate me so much. He can't help but kill me before the world is calm? What did I do wrong? Is there anything I didn't give him? Who was there when he could not eat in Luoyang? Liu Bei? Liu Zhang? Liu Biao? I smiled. It turns out that I have been a soldier for half my life, and this is the result. My ambition to help the Han family is like a joke. Will I be Han Xin? Haha? Do you want to kill me? Come on, come and get it if you can! I'm a little hysterical. I took Song Qing to the palace. I killed his wife and my uncle Dong Cheng. Where is Liu Xie? He was shivering in the corner and I smiled. Do you still want to kill me like this? This is a joke. I did not kill him. My counselor said to me, "Take the son of heaven to make the princes." .
Every time I think of Chibi, I see the fire all over the sky, the continuous fireboats and the sudden east wind. I woke up from my dream countless times, and the faces of my 100 thousand soldiers appeared in front of me. Chibi, Chibi, he made Zhou Yu famous all over the world, and scholars and poets rushed to praise him, but what about the lives of my 100 thousand soldiers? Who remembers them? Who can set up a monument for them? I remembered Yuan Shao. Brother, am I really old? No, I can start all over again. I own the whole north, and I want to rule the world. I want this world, no more chaos.
I can remember the past clearly. I stayed up all night waiting for the dawn.
"Prime Minister, it's dawn." The door is near the waiter.
"Good, wait for me to take a shower and change clothes!" I sink a track.
Leng Yue in the sky is like a knife. On the other side of the sky, the sun is shining. What does this strange astronomical phenomenon portend? I have no time to think about it.
? "Zhong Kang, bring my big temminick" "Yes, master". I put on a blood-red temminick and picked up eternity, as if I had returned to the battlefield in Chibi.
If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. I want this crown. If you want to kill me, go ahead.
I got on the white horse and walked forward. Followed by my three thousand tiger riding.