I believe in emotional architecture. The life of an architecture is its beauty. This is very important for human beings. If there are many solutions to a problem, the one that conveys beauty and emotion to users is architecture. -luis barragan
Architecture is the art of studying how to waste space. Architecture begins at the end of the project. -John Ruskin
Architects must be great sculptors and painters. If he is not a sculptor and painter, he can only be regarded as a builder. -I.M. Pei
Form is just an understanding of the differences between things. ..... Take a little from it, and the form will be destroyed. ..... Design is an exercise, or an entity composed of cognitive forms. For example, if you consider the so-called "spoon", you will think of a container and a handle. Take away the container, and there is only a sword-like thing left. When the handle is removed, it becomes a cup. Put them in one place and they become a spoon. However, "spoon" is not a spoon, but a form. A spoon can be made of silver, wood or paper-it becomes a spoon, which is the design. ..... This can be analogized to houses and anything we make. -louis kahn
In the past, I thought there were objects without gravity, but now I can be sure that buildings are weightless and can float. -Zaha Hadid
There should be some empirical connection between the building and the base, a metaphysical connection and a poetic connection! -Steven Holl
A city in an old eastern country will be greatly distressed in terms of cultural expression and aesthetics if it completely loses its artistic characteristics in architecture. —— Liang Sicheng
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