There are mountains and pictures, but there is no water. The four places the article praised are: Guilin, Ningxia, Suzhou, and Gulangyu. There are pictures all over the mountains, and there are no articles without water. The white horse is blocked by the west wind, the apricot blossoms are misty and rainy, and the fog in the south of the Yangtze River locks the mountains and the mountains lock the fog. This should be said to be pictures of Suzhou gardens, desert scenery, north of the Great Wall, south of the Yangtze River, and Jilin rime in all directions.
1. Where there are mountains, there are pictures, but when there is water, there are no articles - Guilin.
2. White Horse on the West Wind Block - Ningxia.
3. Apricot blossoms and misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River - Suzhou.
4. The fog locks the top of the mountain, and the sky connects the water and the tail water connects the sky - Gulangyu Island.
If there are mountains, they are all pictures, but if there is no water, there will be no articles:
"If there are mountains, there will be pictures, but if there is no water, there will be no articles." This is from the "Complete Collection of Couplets" written by Liang Zhangju of the Qing Dynasty. Definition: Any place with mountains and rivers is as beautiful as pictures and articles. The place is described as beautiful and breathtaking. Guilin's landscape is famous as the representative of Chinese landscape. It has enjoyed the reputation of "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world" for thousands of years. Guilin has two world heritages: Guilin Landscape, a world natural heritage, and Lingqu, a world irrigation heritage.