Next sentence: There will be rain soon. The basic information of proverbs is as follows:
Proverbs are concise and concise phrases that are widely circulated among the people. Most of them reflect the practical life experience of working people and are generally passed down orally. It is mostly an easy-to-understand short sentence or rhyme in spoken form.
Ready-made words commonly used in people's lives. Proverbs are similar to idioms, but they are more colloquial and easy to understand. They generally express a complete meaning and are almost always one or two short sentences in form. The content of proverbs covers a wide range, some are agricultural proverbs, such as "before and after the Qingming Festival, sow melons and beans," some are political proverbs, such as "If you sow melons, you will get melons, and if you sow beans, you will get beans." Some are common sense proverbs in various aspects of life, such as "After eating, walk a hundred steps and live to be ninety-nine." The categories are numerous and numerous.
Proverbs, like idioms, are part of the language as a whole and can increase the vividness and vividness of the language. But proverbs and famous quotes are different. Proverbs are the practical life experience of working people, while famous quotes are what celebrities say.
On May 23, 2011, Proverbs (Shanghai Proverbs) were approved by the State Council to be included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.
On November 11, 2014, proverbs (folk proverbs of northern Shaanxi) were approved by the State Council and included in the fourth batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.
Chinese name: proverb
Foreign name: old saw;aphorism;proverb?
Pinyin: yàn yǔ
Definition: widely circulated A concise and concise statement
Application area: Minhang District, Shanghai, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province?
The summary is as follows:
Proverbs are collective creations among the people and are widely circulated. , concise, concise and relatively qualitative artistic statements, which are a regular summary of the people's rich wisdom and universal experience. Appropriate use of proverbs can make the language lively and interesting and enhance the expressiveness of the article. For example, "The stick beats the roe deer and the gourd scoops out the fish, and the pheasant flies into the rice pot." The content reflected in the proverb involves all aspects of social life. In terms of content, they generally fall into the following categories: meteorology, agriculture, health, society, learning, sayings, and proverbs.