Original name/Younha
Birthday1988 was born in Seoul, South Korea on April 29th.
Blood type o
Family father, mother, sister and grandmother
Language: Korean, Japanese, English
Education: Korean Foreign Studies University, majoring in Japanese (studying)
Extra-long piano, computer blind typing, moving ears
Interesting piano, computer
Motto: Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do.
Dear father
Favorite artists: alicia keys, Cheng Shijing, Hirahara Ayaka, Tokyo.
Honorable artists ray charles, Shen.
My childhood dream was to be a doctor.
Broadcasting Department of Participating Clubs (Minister)
Favorite scented tea tree
Favorite subject English, history
Favorite sport skiing
Favorite books: The Da Vinci Code by dan brown and The Little Prince by Saint-Eck Su Pei.
Favorite movies: Actually Love, Phantom of the Opera, Eraser in My Mind (Korean movie) and Lonely Island.
Favorite food sushi, Korean food, Japanese hot pot.
Favorite places: photography scene, jazz club, pavilion (Korea), Denver (America), in front of computer.
I bought CD H.O.T, Candy and Moonlight for the first time.
My first favorite Japanese artist, X-Japan.
Japan rainbow entertainment, brokerage company.
Its record companies are Lion Media (formerly Stam) in Korea and Sony Epic Records in Japan.