1. When soil accumulates, a mountain will be formed, and wind and rain will flourish; when water accumulates, a puddle will form, and dragons will emerge; if good deeds accumulate, virtue will become, and the gods will be satisfied, and the holy heart will be prepared. Therefore, if you don’t accumulate steps, you won’t be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don’t accumulate small streams, you won’t be able to reach a river or sea. Qi Ji can't take ten steps with one leap, and his horse can ride ten times, but the merit is not lost. ——Xunzi 3. Thousands of stones and grains of grain are accumulated; thousands of feet of cloth are woven from root to root. 4. Knowledge is the accumulation of experience, and talent is hard work and patience. ——Einstein 5. Tactics are things. In a word, they are the accumulation of military experience over the centuries. ——Dai Jibo 6. Disasters often accumulate in the slightest, while wisdom and courage are often trapped in drowning. ——Ouyang Xiu 7. Knowledge and abilities are accumulated bit by bit. We must pay attention to having a solid foundation, pay attention to review and consolidation, and do not rush for success. ——Gu Chaohao 9. A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest. 10. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without moving your feet.
11. Facing a cliff, you won’t be able to see a crack in a hundred years, but with an axe, you can advance inch by inch, you can advance foot by foot, and by continuous accumulation, a leap will come