[Ultimate Darkness: The hour of glory has come, Templars! Devour your enemies with the fury of an El warrior!
Forgive me... Great Tassadar... I am... not strong enough..."]
[Save Haven /The Fall of Haven: En Taro Tassadar, James Raynor, I am Executor Selendis, we have heard of your heroic performance in Aiur long ago
Raynor: En Taro Tassadar, Selendis ,Listen, you should withdraw your fleet, the humans of Haven are no threat to you.
Selandis: We found that the brood spores are releasing infections, they must be purified, if you are willing to perform We have no objection to this mission.
Dr. Hansen: Jim, there are a lot of mutant creatures here. We can't watch them being killed by the protoss. If you can hold off the protoss, I can Find a cure for the infection."
Selandis: The only cure for the infection is the purification of fire. You know this very well, James Raynor. If you choose to stand in the way, we will fight gloriously.
Dr. Hansen: I can do it, Jim, trust me
Therandis: Make your decision, James Raynor, waiting for your answer