1.23, officials who sacrificed to the stove; Twenty-four, sweeping the house; Twenty-five, grinding bean curd; Twenty-six, cut meat; Twenty-seven, kill a chicken; Twenty-eight, steamed jujube flowers; Twenty-nine, go to play wine; In his thirties, he fabricated a nose (a cross); On the first day of my freshman year, I was bowing wildly.
2. On the second day, the first day of delivery, the third day when the zygotes return home, the fourth day when the pancakes are scrambled with eggs, the fifth and sixth days when the dough is kneaded, the seventh and eighth days when the rice cakes are fried, the ninth and tenth days when the rice is cooked, the eleventh and twelfth treasures of porridge, and the thirteenth and fourteenth days when the dumplings are made, are fifteen yuan in the first month.
The rich celebrate the New Year, the poor celebrate it, the young look forward to it, and the old are afraid of it.
4. Children, children, don't be greedy, after Laba is the year; Laba porridge, after drinking for a few days, is twenty-three miles away; Twenty-three, honeydew melon is sticky; Twenty-four house sweeps; Twenty-five, frozen tofu; Twenty-six, go to buy meat; Twenty-seven, slaughter the rooster; Twenty-eight, send face; Twenty-nine, steamed bread; Stay up for 30 nights; Walking all over the street the first day and the second day.
5. Twenty-three, guarantee the return of goods; Twenty-four, I swear; Twenty-five, find an aunt; Twenty-six, looking for an uncle; 27, don't worry; Twenty-eight, think again; Twenty-nine, tomorrow; I didn't meet at the age of 30, but I met the archway on the first day.
6. Twenty-six, steamed bread; 27. Wash it; Twenty-eight, posting New Year pictures, twenty-nine, looking at the door; Eat jiaozi on the 30th.
There are also some famous poems:
1, four orders to open a new law, Sanyang should celebrate its birthday.
2, I know that firecrackers are old, and occasionally plum blossoms are spring. 3, the wax capacity changes with the day, and the spring scenery of the New Year comes with the wind.
4. The New Year is in Qing Yu, and this festival is called Changchun.
5, I also throw some paper with people, the world is too simple and not too empty. 6. Besides firecrackers, the spring breeze also brings warmth to Tu Su. 7. I will count the calendar from the beginning and visit my hometown with a glass of wine every day.
8, unification, Vientiane update.
Nine, eighty-five Yun Zheyue, snow lantern on the fifteenth day of the first month.
10, Yuyu is pure green and honeysuckle is full of flames.
1 1, firecrackers say goodbye to the old year and every household welcomes the new year.
12, a song is like the sea of spring, and the lights are like night.