Adversity shows talent, but good luck hides talent. (Horace, an ancient Roman poet)
2. Almostanyism-Goodorbad-Isaffected by the attitude of webringto. (Luciusannausseneca, ancientromanphilosopher)
Almost any situation-good or bad-is influenced by our attitude towards the situation. (Seneca la, ancient Roman philosopher)
3. AlthoughtheworldisfullofSuffering, ItisfullalsoftheOvercomingfit. (Hellenkeller, American writer)
Although the world is suffering, But suffering can always be overcome (American writer Helen Keller)
4, as fruit needs not only sunshine, but also cold nights. Cold rain can ripen it. The cultivation of a person's character requires not only joy, but also trials and difficulties. (Blake H, American writer)
5. Everything can be Betakenfromanbutthing; The freedomtoChoosehisatitudeinaygivenset of circulations. (leonhardfrand, germanovelist)
I can take anything from people, but there is one thing that I can't, and that is the freedom to choose my own attitude towards life under certain circumstances. (Frank L, German novelist)
6. Everytraggedymaker SheroeofCommonPeople. (Norma Stephens, American writer)
Every tragedy will create heroes among ordinary people. (Stephens n, American writer)
7. He Whoallowshimselftofobeinsulted, Deserves tobe. (F.C. Comford, British writer)
Those who are willing to be humiliated deserve it. (Corford FC, British writer)
8. I find life exciting, especially when I live for others. (Helen Keller, American writer)
9. Iwetwheniwasborn, Andeverydayshowswhy. (Jack London, American Novelist)
I began to cry when I was born, and every day shows the reason why I cry. (American novelist Jack London)
1, Ifyouwanttooliveyourwholelife Frompain
If you want to get rid of suffering all your life
You have to be a god or a dead body
Consider the misfortunes of others
Thatw. Illcomfortyours
You can face life calmly
Menander, AncientTathenian Playwriter
Ancient Athenian playwrights Menander
11, InthisWorldhereisalwaysdangerforthoseware Afraid of it. (Georgebernadshaw, BritishDramastist)
For those who are afraid of danger, this world is always dangerous. (Bernard Shaw G, British dramatist)