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The Analects of Confucius.Miscellaneous Translation, no annotations required

After Zilu arrived, he met his father-in-law ① and held a stick in his hand ②. Zilu asked, "Have you met Master?" His father-in-law said, "If the four bodies are not diligent and the five grains are not separated, who is the Master?" He planted his staff and turned to it. The road is arched. Stop ⑥ son roadside, kill chickens and eat them for millet, ⑦ see ⑧ his two sons.

Tomorrow, Zilu will tell you. Confucius said: "He is a hermit." He made Zilu see him. When it comes, then use it. Zilu said: "Not being an official has no righteousness. The relationship between elders and children cannot be abolished. How can we abolish the righteousness of the king and his ministers? If you want to clean your body, you will mess with the relationship. The official of a gentleman is to carry out his righteousness. The way. No, it’s already known.”


Zilu was traveling with Confucius, and one day he fell behind and met an old man carrying a weeding implement on his crutches. Zilu asked: "Have you seen my teacher?" The old man said: "My limbs are not working, and the grains cannot be distinguished. Who is the teacher?" After speaking, he stuck his crutch in the ground and started hoeing. Zilu stood aside with respectful hands. So the old man stayed with Zilu, killed chickens, cooked meals for him, and introduced his two sons to Zilu.

The next day, Zilu caught up with Confucius and his party and told Confucius what he had experienced yesterday. Confucius said, "This is a hermit." He asked Zilu to go back and see him again. When Zilu returned, the old man had run away from home. Zilu had no choice but to say to his two sons: "It is unethical not to be an official. The relationship between elders and young cannot be discarded, how can the righteousness between monarch and ministers be discarded? A man who wants to keep himself clean has messed up the most important thing. An important ethical relationship, a gentleman is an official in order to promote morality. As for the difficulty of implementing ideals, that is something we have already known

Zi Lu followed Confucius around, and one day he fell behind and encountered a man. An old man carrying a weeding implement on his crutches asked, "Have you seen my teacher?" The old man said: "If the limbs are not working, and the grains cannot be distinguished, who is the teacher?" "After saying that, he stuck his crutch in the ground and started hoeing. Zilu bowed his hands respectfully and stood aside. So the old man stayed with Zilu, killed chickens and cooked them for him to eat, and also introduced his two sons to see Zilu.

The next day, Zilu caught up with Confucius and his party and told Confucius what he had experienced yesterday. Confucius said: "This is a hermit. "Let Zilu go back and see him again. When Zilu returned, the old man had already left home. Zilu had no choice but to say to his two sons: "It is unethical not to be an official. The relationship between elders and young cannot be discarded, so how can the great righteousness between monarch and minister be discarded? A person wants to keep himself clean but messes up the most important ethical relationship. A gentleman is an official in order to promote morality. As for the difficulty of implementing ideal propositions, that is something we already know. ”