Zengzi avoids the banquet. "Zengzi avoids the banquet" comes from the "Book of Filial Piety" and is a very famous story. Zengzi was a disciple of Confucius. Once he was sitting next to Confucius. Confucius asked him: "In the past, the sage kings had supreme virtues and essential and profound theories. They used them to teach the people of the world, so that people could live in harmony. There is no dissatisfaction between the king and his ministers. Do you know what they are?" Zengzi understood that his teacher Confucius wanted to teach him the most profound truth, so he immediately stood up from the mat where he was sitting and walked outside the mat. He replied respectfully: "I'm not smart enough. How can I know? Please ask the teacher to teach me these principles." Here, "avoiding the table" is a very polite behavior. When Zengzi heard that the teacher wanted to teach him At this time, he stood up and walked outside the mat to ask the teacher for advice, in order to show his respect for the teacher. The story of Zengzi's politeness was passed down to future generations, and many people learned from him.
Everyone starts from me
I want to make the earth green,
I want to make the sky blue,
I want to make the rivers clear Get up,
Let the air purify,
Let the flowers bloom,
Let the birds sing,
To make the environment better,
everyone starts from me.
Be civilized and polite
Although it is important to learn to be first,
it is also important to be civilized and polite.
Comply with school rules and regulations,
be polite when meeting teachers.
The classmates are friendly to each other,
Friendship is held tightly by small hands.
Don’t worry about protecting public property,
I will do it to establish a new trend.
Civilized Bus Song
Students, please remember,
Line up when getting on and off the bus.
Get on the bus, don’t run around,
Prepare some change to buy the ticket.
In the carriage, don’t shout,
Be quiet and orderly.
If there are seats, don’t grab them.
The elderly and children will be taken care of.
When you get off the bus, it is not crowded.
It is easy to fall if you waste time.
Be civilized and polite,
Go to school happily.
Everyone praises the white rabbit for being polite
Little white rabbit, cross the bridge,
Go to the bridge and take a look,
Oops, Father Goat is coming, swaying onto the bridge.
Little White Rabbit, run back,
Stand at the bridge and wave with your hands.
"My father-in-law, please go through first.
Take one step at a time."
The river laughed after hearing this,
The fish jumped up and down after hearing this, and praised the white rabbit for being polite.
Campus beauty
The teaching building is really lively.
The willows are green and the flowers are pretty.
Classmates, jump and jump.
Be civilized and polite.
When you see the teacher, say hello.
When you meet your classmates, say hello.
Love the environment and come up with new tricks.
If there is garbage, a dedicated person will take care of it.
When you see waste paper, you bend down to pick it up.
It is everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment.
The campus is beautiful and everyone laughs