Write a composition on the topic of a famous saying of Confucius or Mencius.
a gentleman's pleasure of "forgetting the world with joy". Although Mencius said, "Yan Zi lived in a mean alley in troubled times, eating and drinking; People can't bear their worries, but Yanzi doesn't change his pleasure "(Mencius Li Lou), but his so-called" gentleman's pleasure "is slightly different from Confucius and Yan Hui's" gentleman's pleasure "(the Song people derived the saying that" Confucius enjoys pleasure "). Confucius's "gentlemen's pleasure" is mainly about transcending material desires, getting rid of the fetters of fame and fortune, realizing the liberation of body and mind and the highest happiness obtained by spiritual harmony. Mencius said: "The people are all over the country, and the gentleman wants it, and he is happy; Standing in the middle of the world, setting the people of the four seas, the gentleman is happy, and the nature is not awkward. " ("Mencius with all my heart") If a person is full of the desire to "spread the land and the people", he can't be happy naturally; The satisfaction and happiness gained from political demands, although getting rid of the external achievements of owning vast land and many people, still regard the stability of the world as a moral and political ideal, which is not in line with the nature of human's "benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and wisdom". It can be seen that Mencius' ideal "gentleman's pleasure" is not limited to the satisfaction of "happiness" fundamentally, but just transcends "happiness"; When it comes to "a gentleman has three pleasures", it is extremely normal to think that "the king of the world is not in harmony". Source: Chinese culture