Borrow two allusions: Zeng's Top Gun and Hao Liang's View of Fish;
Ceng Dian said, "Mochun, the spring clothes are ready. There are five or six champions, six or seven boys, bathing and dancing, and going home. " The master sighed and said, "I have a point!" "
Ceng Dian said, "In late spring and March, I wore spring clothes, bathed in Yishui with five or six adults and six or seven children, blew a breeze on the stage, and then went home to sing." Confucius sighed and said, "I agree with Ceng Dian's ambition!"
Zhuangzi and Keiko play together on Hao's bridge. Zhuangzi said, "Fish swim leisurely and have fun." Keiko said, "You are not a fish. How can you know that fish are happy?" ? Zhuangzi said, "You are not me. How do you know that I don't know that fish are happy?" " ? " .
Zhuangzi and Keiko play together on Haoshui Bridge. Zhuangzi said: "How leisurely the white mackerel swims, which is the happiness of the fish." Keiko said, "If you are not a fish, how do you know the happiness of the fish?" Zhuangzi said, "If you are not me, how do you know that I don't know the happiness of fish?"
Extended data:
Confucius, Zeng, Zeng and Gong Xihua sat together to chat and express their opinions.
Confucius said, "Don't be restrained just because I am older than you. I hope everyone can speak freely. You always say that no one appreciates you. What would you do if someone appreciated you and used you? "
Lutz quickly said: "This country with thousands of personnel carriers is sandwiched between several big countries, with enemy invasion outside and natural disasters and famine inside. Let me manage it. It only takes three years to make everyone have courage and understand morality. " Confucius smiled.
Ask again: "You Ran! What about you? "
You Ran replied, "Let me manage a small Fiona Fang country with only 60 or 70 miles or 50 or 60 miles. In three years, everyone can eat and wear warm clothes. As for the education of rites and music, you have to ask for another master. "
Confucius asked again, "Gong Xihua, what about you?"
Gong Xihua replied: "I dare not show off, I hope to learn." For example, offering sacrifices, or making alliances with foreign countries, I just want to wear a dress, a hat and learn a little master of ceremonies. "
Confucius asked again, "Zeng Xi! What about you? "
Once playing the harp gently, with a clang, she stopped and stood up and replied, "I am not as good as the three of them."
Confucius said, "But what's the harm?" ! But let's talk about our wishes! "
He once said, "I hope that in March of the following spring, I will put on new clothes, invite five or six adults and six or seven boys, swim on the Yishui bank, wash my face and wash my hands, breathe the spring breeze on the stage, and then sing on my way home."
After listening to Zeng's words, Confucius sighed: "I agree with what I once said!" ……"