But it's a pity that the court minister was afraid that Huan Wen was too powerful to control the court and didn't agree to let him conquer the north. It was not until many years later that Huan Wen got the relieving again that he had the opportunity to go to the Northern Expedition. Three northern expeditions to Huan Wen, one success, two failures. But even if he failed twice, it was not without merit. Huan Wen, the famous former king of Qin retreated to Chang 'an during the first Northern Expedition, and recovered Luoyang during the second Northern Expedition.
And it is worth mentioning that Huan Wen's last Northern Expedition failed because Huan Wen went deep behind enemy lines, which made the imperial court behind him very uneasy, so there was a problem with Huan Wen's supply. Later, Huan Wen withdrew south because of insufficient supplies. But Huan Wen's southward withdrawal also represented the failure of Huan Wen's third Northern Expedition, and Huan Wen was gradually laughed at.
Because of this, Huan Wen later said that it is not immortal, but it is not as immortal. Later, he abolished the late Jin emperor and became the real ruler of the Jin Dynasty. It can be said that Huan Wen I was respectable enough after his death.