What you believe is your eyes, but your eyes are still untrustworthy; what you rely on is your heart, but your heart is still not trustworthy.
It’s about: Yan Hui, one of Confucius’ students, found something dirty falling into the pot when he was cooking porridge. He quickly picked it up with a spoon and was about to When it was poured out, he suddenly thought that both porridge and rice were hard-earned, so he ate it. Confucius happened to walk into the kitchen at this time, thinking that Yan Hui was stealing food, so he gave him a lesson. Suddenly, Confucius suddenly understood. Confucius said with great emotion: "The things I saw with my own eyes are not accurate, let alone what I heard from hearsay?
Original text: Confucius was as poor as Chen and Cai, and he could not pour out the quinoa soup. He didn't taste the grains for seven days and slept during the day. Yan Hui took some rice and burned it. When it was cooked, Confucius saw Yan Hui grabbing it and eating it. Confucius pretended not to see it. Confucius said: "Today, I dreamed of my ancestors eating clean food and then feeding him." Yan Hui said to him, "No." Xiang Zhe entered the coal chamber into the steamer, discarded the food unknown, grabbed it back and ate it. Confucius said: "What you believe is your eyes, but your eyes are still untrustworthy; what you rely on is your heart, but your heart is still not trustworthy." Disciple remembers that it is not easy to know people. "("Lu Shi Chun Qiu·Shen Fen Lan·Ren Shu")