, but a bad king is partial to faith. This is what the Minister Wei Zhi told him. On one occasion, Emperor Taizong humbly asked Wei Zhi, How can a wise king and a bad king be distinguished? Wei Zhi solemnly replied that the monarch is wise because he can listen to different opinions widely; The monarch is fatuous because he is partial to listening and believing. After saying this sentence, he cited both positive and negative examples in history and added
to demonstrate. He said that Yao and Shun were sages in ancient times because they were able to speak freely and listen to different opinions, so the villain could not deceive him. Qin Ershi, Liang Wudi and Emperor Yangdi
, however, lived in the palace, isolated courtiers and alienated people, and could not hear their real voices. Until the world collapsed and the people betrayed, they were still ignorant. By adopting the
suggestion of the liegeman, the voice of the people can be reached. These wise words of Wei Zhi are deeply engraved in the heart of Emperor Taizong. From then on, Emperor Taizong paid special attention to coachable's modesty. He doesn't care
who you are, or what your attitude is, as long as your opinion is correct, he can accept it with an open mind. Here is a true story of "the power to save the sky". At that time, Emperor Taizong < P > ordered that the dilapidated Ganyuan Temple in Luoyang should be decorated for use as a palace for visiting other places. For the emperor, it was a piece of cake to repair the small palace.
However, a small official, Zhang Xuansu, made a memorial, complaining that this was not appropriate. He said that after the Epang Palace was built, the Qin Dynasty fell; After the repair of Zhanghuatai, the State of Chu dispersed; The temple of Ganyuan < P > was built, and the Sui Dynasty collapsed. These are all lessons from history. Now, in the Tang Dynasty, everything is in ruins. Where is our national strength comparable to that of the Sui Dynasty? Your majesty continues to serve the people who have suffered from the war in the country's broken mess, spending hundreds of millions of money and building large-scale projects. Your majesty did not inherit the advantages of the previous emperors, but inherited the disadvantages of the hundred emperors. From this point of view, your majesty's gains and losses far exceed those of Emperor Yangdi. This is a memorial with a sharp pen and hitting the key. However, Zhang Xuansu, a little boy, dared to compare the wise monarch, Emperor Taizong, to a fatuous tyrant, Emperor Yangdi, and offended Tianwei. Isn't this hitting an egg on a stone? Man Chao Wen Wu was sweating for him. People are watching the reaction of Emperor Taizong. If it were not Emperor Taizong, but other
emperors, they would be furious at the sight of this disrespectful memorial, not only Zhang Xuansu's head fell to the ground, but also implicated the nine clans. However, Emperor Taizong is Emperor Taizong. Instead of blaming
Zhang Xuansu, he ordered him to be summoned. At this time, Emperor Taizong wanted to further try Zhang Xuansu's courage, so he asked, "Qing said that I am not as good as Emperor Yangdi. So, how about I compare with Xia Jie and Shang Zhou?"? You know, Jie Wang in Xia Dynasty and Zhou Wang in Shang Dynasty were notorious tyrants in history. Emperor Taizong asked this question, which has its own meaning. I don't think so, but this Zhang Xuansu replied bluntly,
If your majesty really built the Ganyuan Temple, it would be as confused as Xia Jie and Shang Zhou. Hearing this reply, Emperor Taizong was not angry, but was deeply moved < P >. He thought, a small official, dare to die and speak out, for what, not just for his country? Therefore, Emperor Taizong withdrew his edict and stopped rebuilding the Palace of Ganyuan. And table
praised Zhang Xuansu and gave him 5 silks at the same time. Wei Zhi, who has been paying close attention to this matter, heard this happy ending and sighed deeply, saying that Zhang Gong's theory on things has the power to save the world, which is < P > because of what a gentleman with noble morality said! The true story of "the power to return to heaven" fully illustrates the modesty of coachable of Emperor Taizong. Another advantage of Emperor Taizong is that < P > he must correct his mistakes. Once, he got an exquisite kite. For a moment, he forgot Wei Zhi's usual saying that the monarch should not be tired of playing with things, so he put the kite on his arm for fun. Unexpectedly, I ran into Wei Zhi, an old minister. In a hurry, Emperor Taizong hid the kite in his arms. In fact, Wei Zhi had already seen everything, but pretended not to know. Go up to
and talk about the pursuit of pleasure by ancient emperors, and attack by innuendo that emperors should not play with things. Emperor Taizong worried for a long time, and the kite suffocated. However, Wei Zhi talked endlessly, and Mrs. Tang < P > knew that she was indefensible and dared not interrupt. As a result, the kite still suffocated in its arms. Emperor Taizong knew that mistakes must be corrected, that people were good at their duties, and that he was ambitious. On the ethnic policy, he regarded the ethnic minorities and the Han nationality as one family, and adopted the correct policy of appeasement and intimacy to the ethnic minorities. The ethnic minorities are completely convinced of the policies and measures of Emperor Taizong. Emperor Taizong had a great centripetal force, and
they came back and forth one after another, honoring him as "Tiankhan". Emperor Taizong married Princess Wencheng to Songzan Gambu, the king of Tubo. This is a great event in the history of Sino-Tibetan ethnic relations. As a wedding makeup, Princess Wencheng brought a large number of treasures, classics, medical books, jewels, gold and silver, gold saddles, ornaments, brocade, medicines, food, drinks, seeds, trees, lions, phoenixes and so on. Princess Wencheng brought the advanced civilization in the Central Plains. Songzan Gambu is very satisfied with this marriage. He called himself son-in-law to Emperor Taizong, and congratulated him on his expedition. This marriage strengthened the unity between Han and Tibetan nationalities and promoted the development of Tibetan economy. Due to proper employment, correct policies, light taxes and lenient punishment, the economy, politics and culture in the period of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty have achieved unprecedented development. Emperor Taizong's Zhenguan period was characterized by political clarity, economic prosperity, social stability and cultural prosperity.