English for professional ability: professional ability, professional competence.
1. professional ability
English pronunciation: [pr?fe?nl ?b?l?ti]
The students are satisfied with accounting education but in their professional ability lack confidence.?
The students are satisfied with business education but lack confidence in their professional ability.
2. professional competence
English pronunciation: [pr?fe?nl ?k?mp?t?ns]
We've always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence.?
We've always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence.
Extended information
Vocabulary analysis:
1. professional
English pronunciation: [pr?'fe?(?)n( ?)l]
Chinese meaning:
adj. professional; professional; professional
n. professional; professional athlete
These tickets have been produced very professionally.
These labels have been produced very professionally.
2. ability
English pronunciation: [?b?l?t?]
Chinese definition:
n. Ability, Ability; talent
She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability.?
She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability.?
She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability. She produced testimonials about her character and abilities.