A summary of the famous quotes in the Analects of Confucius are as follows
1. Confucius said: "Isn't it just a matter of time to learn and practice? Isn't it a pleasure to have friends come from afar? People don't know Isn't he a gentleman if he is not angry?"
2. The Master said: "A gentleman will not be powerful if he is not serious, and he will not be loyal if he has no friends. ”
3. Confucius said: “A gentleman who has nothing to eat and nothing to live in, who is quick in matters and cautious in speaking, has the Way and is upright, and he can be said to be eager to learn.”
4. Confucius said: "The gentleman has no weapons."
5. Zigong asked the gentleman. Confucius said: "First do what he says, and then follow it."
6. Confucius said: "A gentleman is in a circle but does not compare, and a villain is in competition but does not compare."
7. Confucius said : "A gentleman has nothing to fight for, so he will definitely shoot! He bows and gives in, rises up, and drinks from the bottom. It is a gentleman who fights."
8. People from Yi Feng are invited to see you. He said: "As for the gentleman, I can't help but see it." The follower saw it. He said: "Er San
Master, why are you worried about mourning? The world has been without principles for a long time, and heaven will treat you as a wooden altar."
9. Master said: "Wealth and honor are what people want. If you don't get them in the right way, you can't get them. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. If you don't get it in the right way, you can't get rid of them. A gentleman will lose his benevolence and become famous. ?A gentleman will never violate benevolence, and he will make mistakes and misfortune."
10. The Master said: "A gentleman is not suitable for the world, and there is nothing wrong with it. "Compare."
11. Confucius said: "A gentleman cherishes virtue, and a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, and a villain cherishes favor."
12. Confucius said: "A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness." , a villain is a metaphor for profit. "
13. The Master said: "A gentleman wants to be slow in speech, but quick in action."
14. The Master said that a gentleman is a mean person. Ruo Ren! If there is no gentleman in Lu, how can we choose this one?"
15. Confucius said of Zi Chan, "There are four ways of a gentleman: he is respectful in his conduct, respectful in his conduct, and respectful in his conduct. The people are kind and the people are righteous."
16. Zihua sent an envoy to Qi, and Ranzi asked for millet for his mother. Confucius said: "Give it the cauldron." Please help. Said: "With Yu." Ran Ziyu
17. Su Wubing. Confucius said: "Red is suitable for riding on fat horses and wearing light fur. I have heard that a gentleman will not continue to be rich if he is anxious." I originally wanted to kill him, so I gave him nine hundred grains and said goodbye. Confucius said: "No! How can we be friends with your neighbors?"
18. Confucius said to Zixia: "A woman is a gentleman and a Confucian scholar, not a villain Confucian scholar."
19 . Confucius said: "If quality is better than literature, then you will be wild; if literature is better than quality, you will be history. If literature is better than quality, then you will be a gentleman."
20. Confucius said: “A gentleman who is knowledgeable in literature can treat you with courtesy, and you can stay with me!”