The famous aphorism is as follows:
To be careless and unprepared, to have a quick temper and to have little plan is the courage of an ordinary man, and he will surely die at the hands of a villain one day.
Shao has ten defeats and Gong has ten victories. Although Shao has a strong army, he can't do anything. Shao has many rituals and rituals, and the public body is left to nature. This is the best way. Shao acted against the will, and the public obeyed to lead the world. This righteousness is better than the other two. In the late Han Dynasty, the government failed to be lenient, and Shao used lenient to supplement lenient, so it was not intimidating. The public corrections were fierce, but the top and bottom knew how to control. This kind of governance was better than the other three. Be generous on the outside and taboo on the inside, be suspicious of people when hiring, appoint only relatives and children, be easy on the public and simple on the outside but clear on the inside, there is no doubt that people should be employed only according to their talents, regardless of distance or near, this is better than the other four. Shao has more plans and less decisions, and loses it in the affairs of the future. Public policies can be carried out at will, and there are endless changes. This strategy wins five things. Because of his long-lasting talent, Shao gave high advice and bowed to gain reputation. Most of the good words of scholars were praised by others. He treated others with sincerity and acted with sincerity. He did not pretend to be beautiful. He led others with frugality and showed no grudges to those who had merit. , Scholars who are loyal, far-sighted and practical are all willing to use it. This virtue is superior to the six. When I see a person who is hungry and cold, my sympathy is reflected in my color. If I don't see it, I may not be concerned about it. The so-called woman's benevolent ear is sometimes ignored when it comes to the current trivial matters. "Ten Victories and Ten Defeats"
Soldiers are more valuable and faster.
If you are anxious, you will be in a stalemate, if you are slow, then you will fight for your heart.
Waiting for it to change; to change it and then attack it, it can be determined in one fell swoop.
Guo Jia (170-207), courtesy name Fengxiao, was born in Yangzhai, Yingchuan (now Yuzhou, Henan). A famous counselor under Cao Cao in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Guo Jia was originally a subordinate of Yuan Shao, but later turned to Cao Cao, and made great contributions to Cao Cao's unification of northern China. He was promoted to military advisor, offered wine, and was granted the title of Marquis of Weiyang Ting. He died of illness when Cao Cao was conquering Wuwan at the age of thirty-eight. His posthumous title is Zhenhou. History books call him "a man of great talent and strategy, a wonder of the world." Cao Cao praised him for his knowledge and being his "Qi Zuo".
Posterity evaluation:
Li Longji: When Xiaowen wins Wei Shang, there is no need to worry about being captured; when Taizu meets Guo Jia, he knows that it will be done for me.
Chen Liang: In order to become the hegemon of Wei, Yu and Jia had many plans, and Cao Gong especially deplored Jia's death.
Zhu Qian: The motherland prospered with one person and fell with one person. Guo Jia returned to Wei and Wei prospered; Guan Ning left Han and Han fell. Tracking its rise and fall is all about talent.
Mao Zedong: ① Outstanding talent, resourcefulness, making plans, and outstanding achievements. ② Guo Jia is an outstanding resourceful man in history. His theory of ten victories involves almost every aspect of Chinese military thinking. It is to the point, concise and comprehensive, broad and profound, and is rare in ancient and modern times.
Reference materials
Baidu Encyclopedia: