Wei will send an envoy to Jin, Shi Zhong will withdraw his cooking, Chen Liang will send a letter to move the chariot to guard the river, and Liang Chenchi will go. Du Shizhong Chen Liang has left the country, so he got on his horse and ordered the army to say, "I will whip you." So he led the army to the next big instrument, pulled five arrays, ambushed more than 20 places, and beat drums. When Chen Liang went to Jin Jun, Ren Jin asked Julian Waghann to move his breath, and what he saw was correct. Nie Erjin retired from Wen Shizhong, rejoicing, and led his troops to the mouth of Wuli River in Dayi. Don't cross the east with an iron horse Ta-Bo. Shi Zhong preached drums and ambushed everywhere. The flags were mixed with gold flags, and the 8 Jin Army was in chaos, and our troops overlapped. Soldiers with long axes on their backs put their hands on people's chests and their feet on horses. The enemy was trapped in the mud by armor, and Shi Zhong rode hard on all sides, killing all the people and horses, and then captured more than 200 people.
Dong Yun was sent to attack the Jinmen people in Tianchang County, and more than forty people were captured. When Xie Yuan arrived in Gaoyou, he met the enemy, set up a water army with a river array, and fought for thirteen days, but his refusal was pending. Shi Zhong sent Cheng Min to help the knights, restore the war, and capture Nuzhen and thousands of families. Shi Zhong reunited with his relatives and chased him to the Huaihe River. Jin people were shocked and drowned.
Hearing this news, the ministers congratulated him one after another. The emperor said, "The world is brave, and I know it will succeed." Shen and Qiu said, "Since the founding of the State of Yan, the soldiers have never fought against the Jin people. In this life, they have been loyal and even defeated their front, and they have made great achievements. " The emperor said, "I will repay your worries." To this end, the ministries of Dong Yun,,, Hu, etc. Critics regard this as ZTE's first martial arts.
From Biography of the History of Song Dynasty, page 123.
2. Seek the classical Chinese "Zi Tong Zhi Jian" about the ancient war in China. Volume 65 Battle of Red Cliffs, Zhou Yu was sent to Fan Yang, and Su advised him to call Yu back.
When Zhou Yu arrived, he said to Quan, "Although Cao Cao is famous, he is actually a Chinese thief. With SHEN WOO's outstanding talent and the strength of his fathers and brothers, the general divided his troops into Jiangdong, spent thousands of miles, made good use of his soldiers, and worked hard as a hero to eliminate the residue and filth for the Han family; What evil did Cao Cao Can encounter when he died? Please mention for the general: Today, the northern soil is uneven, and Ma Chao and Han Sui are still in Kansai, which is the future trouble of Cao Cao; Cao Cao gave up the pommel horse and took a boat with a stick to compete with wuyue for balance; Nowadays, it is freezing and there is no grass on horseback, which drives China literati to travel far between rivers and lakes. If they don't study soil and water, they will get sick.
This number also suffers from fighting, and Cao Cao is desperate. General, fuck it. It should be today.
I invited tens of thousands of elite soldiers to live in Xiakou, which was guaranteed by the general! "Quan said," The old thief wanted to abolish Han, and he stood on his own feet for a long time, but avoided Yuan, Lu Bu, Liu Biao and Gu Er. Today, the number of men has been destroyed, but loneliness still exists. Loneliness and an old thief are at odds, and your words will be attacked, even with loneliness. On this day, you will grant loneliness. "
As a prelude to the sword-drawing case, he said: "Generals and officials dare to answer and do welcome actions, just like this case!" This is a strike. That night, Yu saw Quan again and said, "You all read the book that water has 800,000 steps, but you are afraid of it and don't know what it is. It is meaningless for you to hold this discussion again.
Today, the school is based on reality: there are only 150,000 or 60,000 people in the country, and they are already exhausted; The income is also extremely 70,000 to 80,000 ears, which is still suspicious. The husband guarded the suspicious crowd with a tired soldier. Although there are many people, they are not afraid.
Yu got 50 thousand soldiers and was self-sufficient May the general not worry! Quan Fu said on his back, "Gong Jin, it's very lonely for you to say that. Zibu and Yuan Biao are very concerned about their wives, but their selfishness makes them deeply disappointed. Du Qing and Amethyst share a common loneliness. On this day, Qinghe praised loneliness.
Fifty thousand soldiers could not be combined, so thirty thousand people were chosen, and ships, grain and war equipment were all available. Qing Zi Jing and Chenggong were in the first place, and they were left alone to continue sending many people, carrying more resources and providing support for Qing Dynasty.
If you can do it, you really decide. If you are disappointed, you will be lonely and alone with Meng De. "Therefore, Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu are left and right governors, and weapons are combined with the enemy; Praise the army for helping painting with Lu Su as a captain.
Liu Bei was in Fankou, and every day he sent a logic officer to wait for the right army in the water. When the official saw Yu's boat, he went straight to prepare to send someone to comfort him.
Yu Yue said, "If you have a military post, you can't have a letter of appointment. If you can bend and stretch, you will be satisfied. " North Yu went to see Yu alone and asked, "It's good to refuse Cao Gong today.
How many soldiers are there? "Yu said," Thirty thousand people. " Prepare: "hate less. "
Yu Yue said, "This is self-sufficient, but it can be broken." Yu asked Lu Su and others to speak, saying, "I have orders not to make mistakes.
If you want to see your son, don't cross it. "Deeply ashamed.
Jin and Cao Cao met at Chibi. At that time, Cao Cao's troops were already epidemic. On the first day of the war, Cao Cao's army was unfavorable and was led to Jiangbei.
When Yu and others are in the south bank, Yu will say to Huang Gai: "Today, being outnumbered, it is difficult to last. Fuck the army, connect the boats, end to end, and you can burn them. "
We took ten Meng Chong warships, loaded with dry horses, dry wood and oil, wrapped them with curtains, put flags on them, and prepared to walk and tie them to their tails. First, keep books for exercise and cheat the clouds.
When the southeast wind is in a hurry, ten ships are in front, Zhongjiang sails, and the rest of the ships are in the second place. All the officials and the officials who ran the army stood up from the camp, pointing at the words and hiding.
I went to the North Army for two miles, and at the same time I was on fire. The fire was fierce, and the ship was like an arrow leaving the string, burning up the north ship and extending to the shore. In a short time, smoke billowed, and more people were burned and drowned.
The rate was light and sharp, and then the thunder rumbled and the northern army was bad. Cao Cao led his troops along Huarong Road. When they met with mud, the road was impassable and the wind was strong, he told his soldiers to fill it with grass, but he could ride through it.
The soldiers were beaten into the mud and many people died. Liu Bei and Zhou Yu went hand in hand and chased Cao Cao to Nanjun.
I was at war with the army, and when I was hungry, half of the dead were dead. Cao Cao ordered Cao Ren, the southern general, and Huang Xu, the horizontal general, to guard Jiangling, and rushed to Xiangyang with pleasure and led the army back to the north.
Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu took tens of thousands of men and did not fight Coss to cross the river. Gan Ning should first make progress in Yiling, and then go there to take his city, because he can defend.
Yizhou will attack Su Ju's army and surrender, and Zhou Yu will guard Yiyang's corps commander Monroe. Meng Sheng said, "Su Youyong used it, but it is far away, which is beneficial to justice and should not be taken away."
Rightists are good, but they are also soldiers. Cao Ren sent troops to surround Gan Ning, preferring to be trapped and anxious, and asked Zhou Yu for help. The generals thought serenading was not enough. Monroe said that Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu said, "It won't be long before you can leave Gong Ling's achievements in Jiangling, and you can get out of the predicament and relieve your urgent needs.
Mengbao's performance can last for ten days. "Yu from it, big break RenBing in Yiling, three hundred military forces and also.
So the situation of the soldiers doubled. Yu Nai crossed the river, crossed the north bank of Dun, and was separated from Ren.
In December, Sun Quan will encircle Hefei and make Zhang Zhao attack Jiujiang. In the battle between Jin and Shui, Qin Jun forced the rich and the old, and the Jin army could not cross.
Xie Xuan sent an envoy to see Yang Ping and Gong Rong, saying, "It is a long-term plan for you to stop fighting and push for water, not for a quick victory. If it is transferred to Shao Chen, it will help nomads from the river to decide the outcome. Wouldn't that be great? " All the generals of the state of Qin said, "I am outnumbered. I might as well stop here, so that I can get things done."
Jane said, "But if you serenade him halfway, I'll kill him with an iron horse. This is beyond reproach! " Rong thought so too, so he ordered the soldiers to make it disappear. Chi then retreated, unstoppable.
Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Huan Yi and so on. Lead the troops across the water to attack them. Rongchi rode a little, but those who wanted to retreat with Shuai were killed by nomads from the horse, and Chi collapsed.
Xuan and other 56-point thrashing, as for Cyclobalanopsis; Chi was defeated, and the deceased, Gaiye Saichuan. When Monkey heard the news, he thought that Jinbing had arrived and dared not rest day and night. They camped on the grass and froze to death, and even seven or eight died.
At the beginning, there were few Qin soldiers, but Zhu Xu shouted after Chen: "Qin soldiers are defeated!" The crowd swarmed in. Xu Yuanxi, Tianxi Zhang and Xu Yuanxi all came to run.
This was taken by Qin's mica car. Shouyang was also taken, and Bao Guo, the satrap of Huainan, was embraced.
The Battle of the Julu "Historical Records of Xiang Yu" was broken by Zhang Han, but he thought that Chu soldiers were not worried enough, so he crossed the river to attack Zhao and broke it. At this time, Zhao Xie was the king, Chen Yu was the general, and Zhang Er was the phase. They all entered Dalucheng.
Zhang Han ordered the king to leave and wander around Julu. Zhang Han marched south, built a tunnel and lost Xiaomi. As a general, Chen Yu killed tens of thousands of people and marched north of Julu. This is the so-called Hebei Army.
Chu soldiers have been destroyed in Dingtao, fearing the king, hoping that Peng Cheng will be in Taiwan, and Xiang Yu and Lu Chenjun will take it. Take Lv Chen as Stuart and his father Lv Qing as Lingyin.
Take Pei Gong as the satrap of the Party and County, make him the Hou of Wu 'an, and be a soldier of the Party and County.
3. The source of ancient military prose: Sun Wu, the head of the article.
Sun Tzu said: Those who were good at fighting in the past were invincible first, and they won when they waited for the enemy. You can't win yourself, you can't win the enemy. Therefore, a good soldier can be in an invincible position and cannot let the enemy be in an invincible position. Therefore, it is said that knowing wins and not doing it.
Note: Being invincible first means being invincible first. Waiting for the enemy to win is waiting for the enemy to have a chance to be defeated. These two sentences mean to seek self-protection first, and then consider the meaning of defeating the enemy. You can't win yourself, you can't win the enemy. The reason why you can't be defeated is mainly because you have strict defense, and the reason why you can defeat the enemy is because the enemy's defense is flawed. Therefore, a person's invincible initiative lies in himself, and if he wants to defeat the enemy, he must consider the other side's factors. Therefore, a good soldier can be in an invincible position and cannot let the enemy be in an invincible position. A man who is good at fighting can only keep himself from being defeated, but he cannot guarantee that the enemy can be defeated. So victory is predictable, not something we can decide. In other words, it is impossible to meet. Because this has to take into account the factors of both sides-their own and the enemy. Although we can control them, the enemy is beyond our control. Therefore, the outcome of the war is not wishful thinking.
You can't win and defend, but you can win and attack. Insufficient rules, more attacks. Those who are good at defending hide under nine places and those who are good at attacking move above nine days, so as to protect themselves and win all the games.
Note: the reason why our army can't be defeated is because of strict defense; Our army was able to defeat the enemy because it was aggressive. Defense is due to lack of strength, and attack is due to strength. A man who is good at defending is like hiding in the depths of the earth so that the enemy can't attack; A man who is good at attacking is like hiding in the high sky, making the enemy hard to prevent. Only in this way can he protect himself and win a great victory.
4. The original text of Li Kui's classical Chinese is derived from the content in the Biography of the Twenty-four History of the New Tang Dynasty and Li Kui, that is, the original content: Li Kui was named Duanqing, whose ancestral home was in Ji Cheng, Longxi, and his family was in Zhengzhou.
Not very smart and studious, good at literature. At the end of Kaiyuan, he was promoted to a scholar, presented books, wrote test articles in Chinese, and worshipped the right to pick up.
At the beginning of the yuan dynasty, he served as assistant minister of rites. I tried to learn from the master, but I didn't check the facts. I just want to tighten its dikes, want its books, want its strategies, and don't understand the meaning of seeking talents.
He tried the Jinshi chapter and said, "Great countries choose scholars, but only talents are good at work. The following is a classic. Please feel free to look for it. " Because I heard it on a good voice a few months ago. Since then, it has become quite friendly and widely used.
When there are many thieves in Beijing, some people kill people in the ditch of the thoroughfare, and Li is even more arrogant. Please select 500 Yulin knights for review. Zhang slapped Shang Shu, saying, "In the Western Han Dynasty, the northern and southern armies were at loggerheads, so they joined the northern army because of the southern army, so they joined Liu in Sui 'an.
The imperial dynasty set up official posts in the north and south to distinguish between civil and military officials and observe each other. Today, the feather forest is used to replace the police night in Jin Wu, and suddenly there is an extraordinary change. How will it be controlled? "Then please make feather Lin.
I am in phase, and I am determined to replace things. Although I am very knowledgeable, my nature is sharper than fame and fortune, and I hate things. And his brothers all have their own names, stuck in redundant officials, but they don't introduce them.
With Lu Luan in the same column, although the ground hangs, politics is slap in the face, and guests are in the south of Beijing, and the voice is beautiful. Afraid of its re-entry, the secret order is to make mistakes in custody.
He was demoted as a colleague of Laizhou's long history, and he was demoted as an official. A few days later, all his brothers were replaced by Simon's foreign minister. Many years later, he moved to Zhangzhou for secretariat.
When he was in charge, Miao Jinqing took pains to recommend Yuan Zai as an etiquette. I patted myself on the door and looked at the cold ground, but I didn't accept it easily. Instead, Jin Qing said that "a man with twins is useless, and a son with a mouse head asks for an official."
I hate it. And Zaixiang, because he was transferred, played as a secretary supervisor, and Jianghuai recovered from illness.
No salary, poor family, hundreds of widows, beggars take food. Pingfa was distributed to all states, where grazing was a little sparse in 15 or 16 years, and then moved, so its migrants spread all over more than ten states.
Yuan Zai punished him for his crime, and besides secretariat, he went to worship the monarch and offered him wine as a courtier, which he hated. Dezong was in Shannan, and ordered him to fill in the Tibetan League and add the left servant to shoot.
I went to Fengzhou and died of illness. In April of the first year of Xingyuan, I was seventy-four Original note: Li Gou is Duan Qing, whose ancestral home is in Ji Cheng, Longxi, while his family (settled) is in Zhengzhou, and his generation (generation) is a royal family (noble family).
Not very smart (smart, quick-witted), studious, good at (good at) writing. At the end of kaiyuan, he was promoted to a scholar, gave books (sent letters, mostly pointing to people with status to state their opinions) (under the imperial court, referring to the imperial court), tried the text (tested), and worshipped the text (promoted).
At the beginning of the yuan dynasty, he served as assistant minister of rites. If you try (want) to select teachers from the main department (supervisor), you don't test the reality (examine the actual ability), but only (just) strictly (carefully) guard against it, seek (seek, seek) its books, seek its strategies (books brought into the examination room), and you don't know (violate) the significance of seeking talents.
He tried "The Scholars" and said: "Great countries choose scholars, but only those who have affairs (must, must), and this has classics (learning). Please feel free to search (search, check). " That was (since then, from here) a few months ago, I heard it on a good voice. Since then, meeting (kindness) is quite generous (kindness), which is of great use.
When there are many thieves in Beijing, there are thoroughfares (roads extending in all directions, as adverbials, on the road) that kill people who put them in ditches. Li is (positive) arrogant (indulgent and overbearing), so please choose 500 feather forest knights to patrol (patrol). Zhang Shu said, "In the Western Han Dynasty, the northern and southern armies were holding each other (pulling and containing) and took the opportunity to join the northern army for the southern army, so Liu was decided.
The imperial dynasty set up official posts in the north and south, distinguishing civil and military officials for mutual supervision (reconnaissance and supervision). Today, the police night of Jinwu (the imperial guard) was changed to the feather forest, and suddenly there was an unusual (unusual, unusual) change. How will it be controlled? "Then the system (the emperor's command, ordered) feather Lin please. On the other hand, he is determined to take the position of (discussing state affairs and promoting revolution). Although he is very knowledgeable (knowledgeable and eloquent), he is very sharp in fame and fortune (shrewd, translated as "pursuit") and is deeply debated by things (people).
Moreover, all his brothers have their own names (fame or prestige at that time), and the card (stagnation, stay) is (is) redundant (idle, redundant, useless) and (Li Yu) has not introduced (recommended). With Lu Luan [yοon] in the same column, although the geographical view is hung (disparity), the political affairs are on the right (top), and the (moving) phase, from the (belonging) guest (public guest) is (making) the South Beijing Festival, with beautiful sound (name and prestige).
(Lu Luan) was afraid that he would enter the DPRK again, so he secretly ordered the direct provinces (administrative agencies, because they are directly under the central government, are also called direct provinces) to find (fabricate) mistakes in management (within their jurisdiction). He was (at that time) demoted as a member of the long history of Laizhou and was (dismissed) as an official. A few days later, his brothers were all awarded the foreign ministers of our company.
After many years (years), he moved to an official post (because of his crime, he was transferred to a nearby post when he was pardoned) and entered the state secretariat. When he was in power, he served Miao Jinqing and recommended Yuan Zai as a senior official.
Slap yourself (lean on) to see the door, to (think about) the cold (humble origin, low status), meaning very relaxed (contempt), saying that Jin Qing said: "Zhang Long Feng Zi (chapter, literary talent; The literary talent of the dragon and the beauty of the phoenix; Metaphorically, people with outstanding writing style don't have to use it, and their heads look like mice, which is the same as "Song"; The mouse's eyes are small and round; Describe people's cold and cheap appearance; Later, it was also used to describe a person's son (but) seeking an official. " There is a lot of resentment (resentment in my heart).
And pretend, because (in prosperity) when the migration (transfer) post, then played for the trial supervisor, Jianghuai recuperation. There is no salary, the family is poor (poor), and there are hundreds of widows. Beggars (beggars) feed on [jǐ] (taking things for demand).
Ping (masterpiece, such as duckweed) was sent to (middle) states. Every (* * *) fifteen or six years, his shepherd (governor of state and county) was slightly (slightly) thin (indifferent, not enthusiastic), and then he moved (moved), so the place where people moved (moved) (moved) was built (. Yuan Zai was punished for (for) his crimes, except for (giving an official position) slapping the history and (entering the DPRK) worshipping.
5. Classical Chinese Mulan joined the army.
Mulan is an ancient folk woman. Ride less, but grow better. He is worthy of Khan's army, because his father's name is in the art book, and he is like all the teenagers in the same school. Because of his father's old illness. Mulan is an easy-to-wear person. She joined the army on behalf of her father, went back to the Yellow River and crossed Montenegro, and fought in 12 to drive Fan Chi, which made great achievements. Hey! What men can do is not necessarily what women can't do. It is beneficial for Yu Guanfu Mulan to join the army.
Mulan is an ancient folk woman. I have been practicing riding since I was a child. As I grow older, my skills become more and more profound. It's time for Khan to recruit. Her father's name is also on the list, and many young people in the same village are on this expedition. Her father was old and ill, so Mulan dressed herself up as a man, got her horse ready in the market and went out to find her father. Going up the Yellow River, crossing Montenegro, fighting with the enemy, galloping on the battlefield 12 years, and repeatedly making outstanding achievements. Ha! What men can do, women may not be unable to do. After seeing Mulan join the army, I believe this truth even more.
6. There are words such as "Dan", "Ji", "Stiff", "Tired", "Military", "Labor" and "Zero" in classical Chinese for reference.
Only, only, only: ~ I hope so. ~ whatever (whatever, as long as it is). ~ points (as long as).
However, although the work is hard, there is no complaint.
In vain: "why ~ go far away and hide in the cold north of the screen?"
1. economy [j] 2. economy
Economy [j]
Cross the river: help each other in the same boat.
Help people in need: ~ the world. Save ~ Release. Week ~. Connect ~.
Tonic: nothing ~ useless.
[~ Water] The ancient name of water originated in Henan Province, China, and flowed into Bohai Sea via Shandong Province.
dead body
Fall: ~ corpse.
Stiff and inflexible: frozen ~. ~ work hard. ~ straight. ~ change. ~ lie down. ~ die. ~ cold. ~ stagnation.
The two sides are deadlocked and the two opinions cannot be reconciled: get ~. ~ hold it. ~ games.
waste gas
Exhausted: ~ sincerity. ~ all of them. ~ force. ~ Zehe fish. Fuck. Decline ~. The power of hissing. Do not use it.
Three armies: ~ Wei. ~ here. Line (xíng )~. ~ work. ~ dog. ~ ready. ~ Ji. ~ title. ~ valve. ~ paperwork. Heterogeneous process. Collapse ~.
The establishment unit of the army is the superior of the division.
Generally speaking, it refers to an organized collective: labor is heavy ~.
Human activities to create material or spiritual wealth: ~. ~ force. ~ escape. Merit ~ (merit, achievement). Press ~ to allocate.
Hard work, hard work: ~ bitter. ~ Dun (tired and sleepy). ~ (fatigue and illness). ~ Lu (many things are hard). ~ heart. Tired. Annoyed ~. Feel free to complain.
Short name of laborer: ~ worker (formerly referred to as worker). ~ capital.
Hard work: ~ hard work is high. Diligence Acts ~ reactive power.
Verbal or physical comfort: comfort. ~ army (comfort army).
Last name.
Liquid landing: grateful tears ~.
Plants wither: ~ autumn. Fade ~。 ~ three (à n).
Mantissa other than integer: ~ number.
Partial, subdivided, as opposed to "whole": ~ broken. ~ sell. ~ money. ~ sell. ~ chaos. ~ work. ~ break the beat.
An important number in the integer system, smaller than all natural numbers, is the only number between positive and negative numbers, and is recorded as "0". Sometimes it is used to represent the benchmark of a certain quantity, such as the freezing point on a centigrade thermometer, and it is recorded as "0℃".
Previous times
Past, past, past: ~ days. ~ years. ~ time. ~ people (before). ~ yesterday.
7. Chinese Emperor Lao Jun translated classical Chinese. Emperor Wen was in office for six years, and the Xiongnu invaded the border of the Han Dynasty on a large scale.
Therefore, the court appointed Liu Li, an official of Zong Zheng, as a general and stationed troops on the tyrant; I wish Hou Xu to be a general and be stationed at Thorn Gate. Zhou Yafu, the prefect of Hanoi County, was appointed as a general and stationed in Liu Xi to prevent the invasion of the Hu people. The emperor went to comfort the army himself.
When they arrived at the barracks at Bashang and Zhaimen, they went straight in, and the general and his men rode off. Immediately came to Liuxi military camp, only to see officers and men wearing armor, holding sharp weapons, bow and arrow, bow and pull the full moon.
The emperor's vanguard guards arrived at the camp and were not allowed to enter. The first guard said, "The emperor is here."
The general guarding the barracks replied, "The general has an order:' The army only listens to the general's orders, not to the imperial edict of the son of heaven.' "It didn't take long for the emperor to arrive and not let him into the barracks.
So the emperor sent messengers to tell the general with the certificate of the son of heaven: "I want to enter the camp to comfort the army." Zhou Yafu was ordered to open the door of the barracks.
The officers and men guarding the camp gate said to the military attache who followed the emperor, "The general stipulates that horses are not allowed to gallop in the barracks." So the emperor had to loosen the reins and let the horse walk slowly.
When he arrived at the camp, General Yafu knelt down to the ground with a weapon in his hand and said, "I am a soldier in armor, so I can't kneel down. Please allow me to see you with a military salute. " The emperor was moved by it, and immediately leaned on the crossbar in front of the car with a serious face and sent someone to pay tribute, saying, "The emperor respectfully comforted the general."
Etiquette after resigning from the military. Many ministers were deeply surprised when they walked out of the gate of Liu Xi's military camp.
Wendi Deng said, "Ah! This is the real general. Just now, the military camp at Zhaimen on Bashang was a joke. The general there may have been captured by a surprise attack. As for Zhou Yafu, is it possible for him to invade him? " I marveled at Zhou Yafu for a long time.
After more than a month, all the armed forces withdrew, and Emperor Wendi appointed Zhou Yafu as his lieutenant.
8. Ask Yue Fei to be especially filial to his parents. There are no concubines at home. Wu Jun has always admired Yue Fei and wanted to make friends with him. He dressed up beautiful women and gave them to him. Yue Fei said: "The emperor is very hard. Is this the time for the generals to enjoy themselves? " Yue Fei refuses to accept it.
Wu Jun worships Yue Fei very much. Someone asked Yue Fei: "When will the country be peaceful?" Yue Fei said: "Civil servants have no pity on money, and military officers are not afraid of death, so the world will be peaceful."
Every time Yue Fei's army rested, Yue Fei urged the soldiers to come down from the hillside, jump over the trenches and wear heavy armor for exercise. A soldier who tied firewood with a wisp of hemp rope from the people immediately beheaded the public.
At night, the soldiers rested, and the people opened the door to welcome guests. No soldier dared to go in. The slogan of the army is "I would rather freeze to death than demolish the houses of ordinary people, and I would rather starve to death than rob the property of ordinary people."
When the soldier was ill, Yue Fei personally prepared medicine for him. Yue Fei's wife sympathized with the generals' families when they were guarding the frontier.
For the soldiers who died for their country, Yue Fei's wife mourned for them and raised their orphans. Yue Fei received the reward and distributed it to his subordinates, without infringing their interests. General Yue is good at winning more with less.
Whenever there is a military activity, the leaders of the whole army are called together to discuss and agree before fighting, so every time they fight, they can quickly defeat each other. If you suddenly meet the enemy, you won't make a move.
Therefore, the enemy said that Yue Jiajun said that "it is easy to shake the mountain, but it is difficult to defeat Yue Jiajun." .
9. Ancient prose describing soldiers' will: 1. Who has never died in life since ancient times? -Wen Tianxiang in the Southern Song Dynasty "Crossing the Zero Ding Yang"
Since ancient times, everyone has to die, but it is necessary to die meaningfully. If you can serve your country faithfully, you can still shine after your death and go down in history.
2, thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is east, west, north and south. -Zheng Xie's Bamboo Stone in Qing Dynasty.
After countless hardships and blows, you are still strong, whether it is southeast wind in hot summer or northwest wind in cold winter.
3, a thousand hammers cut the mountain, and the fire burns idle. Not afraid of broken bones, leaving innocence in the world. -Yu Qian's Lime Song in Ming Dynasty
Lime can only be mined from the deep mountains after tens of millions of hammering. It regards the burning of blazing fire as a very common thing, even if it is smashed into pieces, it is not afraid, and it is willing to leave its innocence in the world.
4, ambitious hunger meal Land Rover meat, laughing about the desire for Hun blood. Stay from the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and go to the sky. -Yue Fei's "Man Jiang Hong" in the Southern Song Dynasty
I am full of ambition. I eat the enemy's meat when I am hungry, and I drink the enemy's blood when I am thirsty. When I recover the old mountains and waters, I will report good news and serve the country!
5, Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement. -The Book of Changes, anonymous in the Spring and Autumn Period.
The movement of Heaven (that is, nature) is strong and healthy. Correspondingly, a gentleman should be the same as heaven, constantly strive for self-improvement, be resolute and decisive, be strong with anger and never stop.