"Officials are not afraid of my severity, but my honesty. The people refused to accept our abilities and serve our public. People dare not slow down, and honest officials dare not bully. Open and aboveboard. "
The above are thirty famous "official proverbs" in the Ming Dynasty, which mean that officials are not afraid of being strict with me, but afraid of being cheap. The people refused to accept my talent, but surrendered to my justice. If things are just, the people will not dare to neglect; If an official is clean, his subordinates dare not cheat. Only by being fair and just to officials can we make it clear; Being an official, being honest and upright, can establish prestige among the people.
According to textual research, the prototype of thirty official proverbs came from the mouth of Cao Duan, a beginner in Ming Dynasty, saying: fair and upright! People dare not slow down, and honest officials dare not bully. More than one hundred years after Cao Duan's death, Hong Yingming, another scholar in Ming Dynasty, put forward the view that public life was aboveboard. Later, on this basis, the governor of Shandong Province, Nianfu, wrote 30 "official proverbs" widely circulated in later generations.
Official advice is an aphorism of officials in power. There were many famous official admonitions in ancient China, such as 9 official admonitions and 24 sentences written by Meng Changjun, the emperor of Shu after the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, which have been standing in the county government's 1 Jiebei Inscription since the Song Dynasty-"The salary is expensive, and the people's ointment is easy to abuse the people, but it is difficult to bully them", and Lv Benzhong's "Official Proverb of Giving Up Others" in the Southern Song Dynasty. However, these 30 "official proverbs" are not only equally famous, but also closely related to the governor of Zhili and the Yan family.
In the 23rd year of Qing Qianlong (1758), the magistrate Yan (the father of Zhili Governor) in Tai 'an, Shandong, accidentally found this inscription on the broken wall of his office and was deeply touched. So he carved it again and attached a postscript, standing in the west wing of the office as a motto. At the same time, he passed on 30 "official proverbs" to future generations, teaching them to remember the motto of the sages being officials and to be strict with themselves with "fairness" and "honesty". In the twentieth year of Jiaqing (18 15), the then governor of Zhejiang carved the official's advice into a stone tablet and embedded it in the wall of Hangzhou Mansion. Later, as the governor of Zhili, Yan brought the rubbings to the governor's office of Zhili. In the second year of Daoguang (1822), Yan, his son, went to Yansui Road, Shaanxi Province and brought rubbings to Shaanxi. In the fourth year of Daoguang (1824), Chang 'an County ordered Zhang Congxian to engrave it again, and Zhang Congxian ordered a monument to be erected, which is the existing Anbeilin Museum.
Three generations ago, the Yan family took the official 30 proverbs as their family motto and motto. No matter where they serve as officials, they take official proverbs as the official criterion, and engrave inscriptions in Shandong, Zhejiang, Shaanxi and other places to clarify their aspirations, so that 30 official proverbs are widely circulated and benefit future generations.
In Qing dynasty, Yan family was one of the famous families at that time. Jane was twice the governor of Zhili. His father Yan is the governor of Yunnan, his son Yan is the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou and the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and his nephew is the governor of Donghe and assistant minister of the Ministry of War. "One door with four sections, five departments with ten provinces and eight flowers". This couplet, originally hung in Gong Baodi, the former residence of Yan in Guangdong, vividly summarizes the glory and honor of this official family. It is worth mentioning that the governor of Zhili briefly served as an official in Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang dynasties. He is proficient in official business and clean, but he has been repeatedly hit and demoted because of his generosity to the people.
In the long history, Thirty Articles of Official Proverbs, as a motto, is not only highly praised by Yan's descendants, but also has a far-reaching impact on official culture in past dynasties. In today's anti-corruption, the museum of Zhili Governor's Office specially made this "official training" into a hanging screen and exhibited it in the second hall of the Governor's Office, so that these three official words can be passed down and continue to inspire the world.
Attachment: There are four postscript and an inscription behind this "official proverb", which were written by Gu Jingxiang, Yan, Yan and Zhang Congxian respectively. The postscript four paragraphs are recorded as follows:
1, Gu Jingxiang's inscription and postscript
Right is simple and thoughtful. Yesterday, when Ding Gong was in charge of Dong Fan (2), he tried to publish it as a warning to those in office. Today's reprint of the owner of Zhen 'an Temple (III) is also a warning to myself. Hongzhi has four seasons: autumn and August.
Note (1) Ding Gong Niangong means young, and Ding Gong is a young posthumous title. (2) Dong Fan, the eastern vassal state, refers to Shandong Province. Tianshun served as the governor of Shandong in the second year (1458). ③ Master Zhen 'an: Note that Gu Jingxiang, a well-known person in Tai 'an, Shandong Province, is a master of Zhen 'an. ④ Hongzhi's heart is: fourteen years of Hongzhi in Emperor Xiaozong of Ming Dynasty (150 1 year).
2. Yan Inscription
The recognition of the right is profound, which is the key to being an official. During the reign of Xiaozong in Ming Dynasty, the owner of Zhen 'an was a policeman. I am not sensitive, I am from a county. Occasionally, when I see it in the broken wall of the science building, my heart will be touched. Because I moved to the Simon Gallery near the department, I took it as my motto. Future generations would rather not feel sorry for this.
There are three seasons in twenty years of Qianlong, and Wuyin Meng Chun is deeply grateful to you.
3. Yan Yan's inscription
First, the doctor guarded Tai 'an County, and the owner of Zhen 'an carved a stone on the broken wall of the Science Building. Because it moved to Sixi, and later, it was also the year of Qianlong Wuyin. Ding Chou was born in the county in the first year; As a native of Jinan, Chen Geng was too young and ignorant to know anything about it. During Geng Xu's inspection, Lang Hu, the director of ceremonies, left the mountain and wandered about from the public. The county seat was close at hand and he had never been there. I found out that Xu Jundarong, who was guarding Ji 'an and taking the road of Liang Fu again, was an old acquaintance, so I had to visit all the families in the department before I knew my native place. Recalling the scene of playing under the knee, I can't help but feel sad. I haven't got a copy in the hands of Xi Xuan Mo. Jiaqing JOE in July, all turned away from the government, Tai 'an ordered Wang Jun to send dozens of stone carvings. After studying again, I realized that the first doctor has been studying at home and abroad for decades, serving the monarch sincerely, governing the country with morality and managing the family with sincerity. So far, people are afraid of officials and praise them with relish. So treat things with a bow and manage the original work. Looking back on the past, I'm afraid of falling when I'm down, I'm conscientious and honest with myself. Today, I was ordered to touch Zhejiang, because I rubbed the stone again and embedded it in the wall of the main hall, so that anyone with status can take it as the advice of the officials. I want to learn from Yuner.
In the twentieth year of Jiaqing, Lian Yan inspected the Mid-Autumn Festival in Yihai.
Note ① Kuo politics: salt affairs.
4. Yan Inscription
During the Jiaqing period, Tao Bo entered Hanlin and pretended to be the river chief of the province. My parents showed their ancestors' proverbs and said, "I am an official now and should be tried." This is first a motto, but it is also an ancestral motto. " Tao Bo accepted, saying that the road was bright in the afternoon, and Tao Bo approved the expansion of Sui Yu Road. The adults at home replied: "I will make it up today. I am responsible for civil affairs. I will play with words when I should play, and I will not slack off." Tao Bo respects and takes it as its responsibility. The officials and people didn't report it, but I dare not encourage myself with sincerity. Colleagues know that there is this book, and the dispute continues. Wuyuan was short of sculptors, so he asked Chang 'an to order Zhang Aitao to copy the stone tablet cave again, which was widely circulated.
Yan wrote an afterword for Daoguang Lian Ping in early autumn.
Note 1 Zhang Aitao: Zhang Congxian, immediately appointed as the magistrate of Chang 'an County, whose word loves Tao. The word "love Tao" in Yan's postscript should be a clerical error.
The above is about Qianlong Wuyin Year, and the sharing of brief words. After reading "When is the Year of Wuyin", I hope this will help everyone!