Sentences about etiquette in the Analects of Confucius.
Confucius said, "courtesy is tiring, caution is embarrassing, courage is chaotic, and straightforwardness is twisting." Gentlemen are loyal to their relatives, and benevolent people are prosperous; Never leave the old, people don't steal. Confucius called the Ji family: "Dancing in the imperial court is tolerable, why not?" A Confucius said, "Harmony is the most precious thing. Wang Zhidao is the first, Sri Lanka is beautiful; Small and big. If you can't do it, then knowing and combining is not feasible. Don't mention it. " Confucius said: Xing Yu Shi. Li Yuli Success is fun. Confucius said: Ma Mian, courtesy also. Today is also pure and frugal, I follow the crowd. Goodbye, Ye Li. Today, I worship you, Taeya. Although I don't obey the public, I obey you. Confucius said: advanced rites and music, savage also; Finally, the gentleman also. If we use it, we will be advanced. Confucius said, "Can comity serve the country? What is this? Can't comity be the country, such as courtesy? " Confucius said, "A gentleman is knowledgeable in literature. You can help him if you have an appointment with him! " Ding Gong asked, "What if the monarch lets an envoy and the minister serve the monarch?" Confucius said, "A monarch makes a courtier, and a courtier is loyal to him." Confucius said: I don't know my destiny, but I don't think I am a gentleman. If you don't know the etiquette, you can't stand it. If you don't know what to say, you can't know who you are. Confucius said: Cloud! Jade cloud! Music rhyme! The bells and drums are full of clouds.