1. The productive forces created by the bourgeoisie in its less than one hundred years of class rule are more numerous and greater than the total productive forces created by all previous generations.
2. With the development of large-scale industry, the foundation on which the bourgeoisie relies on to produce and possess products has itself been dug out from under its feet. The first thing it produces is its own gravedigger. The destruction of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.
3. All movements in the past were movements of a few people or for the benefit of a few people. The proletarian movement is an independent movement for the overwhelming majority of the people and for the benefit of the overwhelming majority of the people. The proletariat, the lowest stratum of today's society, cannot raise its head and puff out its chest without blowing up the entire upper stratum that makes up official society.
4. Our era, the bourgeois era, has one characteristic: it simplifies class antagonisms. Society as a whole is increasingly split into two hostile camps, into two classes directly opposed to each other: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
5. It ruthlessly cuts off all kinds of feudal fetters that bind people to their natural superiors. It makes people have nothing but naked interests and ruthless "cash transactions" ” and there is no other connection.
6. The history of all societies so far is the history of class struggle.
7. The bourgeoisie has opened up the world market and made the production and consumption of all countries global.
8. Instead of the old bourgeois society with class antagonisms, there will be a union where the free development of each person is the condition for the free development of all people.
9. The bourgeoisie cannot survive unless it continuously revolutionizes the tools of production, thus the relations of production, and thus all social relations.
10. All solid things have disappeared, all sacred things have been desecrated, and people finally have to calmly face the true situation of their lives and their relationships with each other.
11. The modern bourgeoisie itself is the product of a long-term development process and the product of a series of changes in the mode of production and mode of exchange.
12. A ghost, the ghost of communism, is lingering in Europe.
13. The continuous transformation of production, the constant turbulence of all social conditions, and the eternal instability and change are what distinguish the bourgeois era from all previous eras.
14. The fundamental condition for the survival and rule of the bourgeoisie is the accumulation of wealth in private hands and the formation and proliferation of capital; the survival condition of capital is wage labor. Wage labor is entirely based on workers' self-competition.
15. The modern bourgeois society that emerged from the demise of feudal society did not eliminate class antagonisms. It simply replaces the old with new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle.
16. For a certain purpose in politics, you can even form an alliance with the devil, but you must be sure that you lead the devil and not the devil leads you.
17. The oppressors and the oppressed are always in a position of opposition to each other, engaging in constant, sometimes covert and sometimes open struggles, and the outcome of each struggle is that the entire society is transformed or struggled. All classes of people perished together.
18. During a business crisis, not only a large part of the manufactured products is always destroyed, but also a large part of the productivity that has been created is destroyed. During crises, there occurs a social plague that in all previous ages has seemed an absurd phenomenon, the plague of overproduction.
19. Political power in the original sense is an organized government used by one class to oppress another class.
20. The bourgeoisie not only forges weapons that will kill itself; it also produces the people who will use these weapons - the modern workers, the proletarians.
21. The need to continuously expand product sales drives the bourgeoisie to travel around the world. It must be settled everywhere, developed everywhere, and connected everywhere.
22. Among all the classes currently opposing the bourgeoisie, only the proletariat is the truly revolutionary class. The other classes are declining and perishing with the development of large-scale industry, but the proletariat is the product of large-scale industry itself.
23. All the proletarians lose in this revolution are their chains. What they will gain is the whole world.