Jianghai can become the king of all the valleys because of his kindness.
It is a saint who wants to go to the people and must say it; If you want to be an ancestor, you must be behind you. It is based on the position of saints and the fact that people are not important and people are not harmful. This is the music of the world, and I never tire of it. There is no dispute, so the world cannot compete with it.
The reason why Jianghai can become the meeting place of the water in Baiqian Valley is because it is in the lower reaches of the river, so it can become the commander in chief of Baiqian Valley.
Therefore, if you want to be the king of all peoples, you must show humility in words. If you want to stand in front of the people, you must first put yourself behind them. Therefore, the sage is above the people, but the people don't think he is a burden. Although he is in front of the people, the people don't think he can cause harm, so the people are happy to support him without hating him. Why? Because he can show humility, be willing to lag behind and never compete with others. Therefore, no one in the world can compete with him.
General idea:
This chapter illustrates the importance of modesty to the king's rule with the metaphor that rivers and seas accommodate hundreds of rivers.