Those who do not respect themselves will be humiliated. Those who do not take care of themselves will bring disaster. Those who are not complacent will benefit. He who is not self-sufficient is knowledgeable.
If you accumulate money and leave it to your descendants, your descendants may not be able to keep it; if you accumulate books and leave it to your descendants, your descendants may not be able to read it. It is better to accumulate yin virtues in the dark. This is the treasured teaching passed down from generation to generation.
Accumulating virtue as an inheritance is better than a beautiful house and good land.
Being able to give love is blessing, being able to eliminate worries is wisdom.
A safe body is not as good as a safe mind, and a wide house is not as good as a wide heart.
The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, who was a powerful figure in Europe, Asia and Africa, told the waiter before his death: "Please put my hands outside the coffin and let the world see that even a great person like me, Caesar, will have empty hands after death."
There is fun in the dream, but there is nothing in the future.
Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so don’t worry about them.
Love leads to wisdom.
Conquering the world is not great. A person is the greatest person in the world if he can conquer himself.
Reducing one's own desires to the lowest point and reducing one's own desires. When rationality reaches its highest level, one is a saint.
Being jealous of others and hating dissidents is tantamount to giving your life to others.
If a person is not infected by bad habits, happiness is near.
Slandering others is like spitting blood, which pollutes one's own mouth first.
Hate others, but it is yourself who suffers.
The reason why people suffer. Ordinaryness lies in not being able to surpass oneself.
A big belly can eliminate many troubles and obstacles, and you can smile and form countless happy relationships.
Changing yourself is self-help and influencing others. , is to save people.
A lie is like a blooming flower, beautiful in appearance but short in life.
Only those who respect themselves are more courageous to shrink themselves.
If a person does not seek blessings, there will be no harm.
A wise man will plan with the times, but a fool will act against the times.
People who often blame themselves. , you can often gain forgiveness from others.
Seeing others’ mistakes is the root of all evils.
Learn to give in and get benefits. One share of enjoyment, one share of blessing.
If your thoughts are correct, the stars of fortune will come. If your thoughts are not right, the stars of disaster will shine.
Good people will do good deeds and move from happiness to happiness, and from enlightenment to enlightenment. Evil people do evil and go from suffering to suffering, and from darkness to darkness.
Those who are kind-hearted will live longer.
Those who are engraved in their hearts will live longer