MANTRASHARING mantra sharing
Tanjiro, Zaomen
Spell analysis can generate different images by replacing keywords
# Image description
Demonslayer, Kamado Tanjirou, Water Breading, Nomasks, animecharacter with red hair and blue water in his hands, holding a blueWater Sword,Surrounded by blue water, In the Style of Jagged Edges Dark Green and Dark Bronze, Shilin Huang, Sharp Edges Ghost Extinction Blade, Kitchen Door Charcoal Curing Lang, Water Breathing, Maskless, Red-haired and Clear-Water Anime Character, Holding Blue Water Sword, Surrounded by Blue Water, The Style is Sawtooth, Dark Green and Dark Copper, Stone Forest Yellow, Sharp Edge
Replace the name and description of the character in the animation here
#. Copy it! Copy it!
PS: The hand is the hardest hit area, and it needs to be brushed repeatedly to draw a proper picture.