Advocate that justice is greater than benefit.
Confucius said: "A gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit." "The Analects of Confucius: Ren"
Dong Zhongshu's famous saying: "Correcting friendship (righteousness) without seeking benefit, "Know the way without considering its merits" "Hanshu Biography of Dong Zhongshu"
Zhu Xi believes that "benevolence and righteousness are rooted in the inherent nature of the human heart, and the principles of nature are the same as those of nature." "(Author: Zhu Xi, "Zhu Xi Yu Lei", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, first edition in May 1992, Volume 39)
In practice, Zhu Xi advocated "not to talk about profit first", "Use righteousness to make profit". "Benefit is the harmony of righteousness", which means both righteousness and benefit." (Author: Zhu Xi, "Zhu Zi Yu Lei", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, first edition in May 1992, Volume 9)
Confucius, Dong Zhongshu, and Zhu Xi are known as the three major thinkers in ancient China. Confucius is the founder of the Confucian school, Dong Zhongshu is a Confucian scholar (a representative of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty), and Zhu Xi is a Neo-Confucian (a representative of Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty).