If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. ——Confucius
The most appetizing thing at a banquet is the etiquette of the host. ——Shakespeare
Discourteousness is the bastard child of ignorance. ——Butler
We should be careful not to hurt other comrades with words, but we should also be able to bear it when others use words to hurt us. ——Liu Shaoqi
Courtesy is the golden key to human perfection. —— Sonsuneji
Speaking aggressively does not necessarily make sense. ——Sadie
Courtesy is the first thing that children and young people should take special care to cultivate into their habits. —— John Locke
Courtesy pleases those who are polite and those who are treated with courtesy. ——Montesquieu
Courtesy can often replace the noblest feelings. ——Mérimée
Courtesy is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing. —— Gonchar
Perfect etiquette can calm people down (Jouber)