"Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it" was said by Xunzi.
Lu Aigong asked Confucius, "Widows are born in the palace, which is longer than women's hands. I never know sadness or sadness. "
Besides, I never knew about work, fear or danger. "Confucius said," What the monarch wants, what the sage wants, is small and noble.
People also, how to know? "Confucius said," If you haven't heard it, go into the temple gate and turn right and go up the stairs.
Looking up at the tower, you can see several feasts. Think about it, how to mourn? You're not cool, and you don't have a comb crown,
When you listen to the DPRK with an open mind, you should do nothing, and the chaos will end. Think about it, how can you be worried? The Ming army listened to the DPRK, and the sun was shining.
And retreat, the descendants of princes will enter the DPRK in the last years of the monarch. If you want to, then you can't do it. You are out of Lu's four doors, so I hope.
In the suburbs of Shandong, there must be several covers for the virtual subjugation of the country. If you think about fear with this, you will be afraid of it. And autumn patterns, monarchs, boats
Also; Shu Ren, water also. The knife cuts bread and fingers. If you think it is a danger, how will it develop? "