Confucius said: knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and it is wisdom. On the way to study, the teacher will tell us to learn not to be shy about asking questions, but who will listen? Of course, only if you are not ashamed to ask questions can you make progress and finally let you feel the joy of success.
Footprints left one foot deep and one foot shallow on the road of life bring us lessons and experiences. We all listen: no matter what you do, you should dare to do it, and the famous saying that you should correct your mistakes still holds true, because when people understand that being ashamed and daring to correct it is a kind of boasting quality, it means that they have reached the requirement of being brave after being ashamed.
No matter at home, at school or among friends, if you find your shortcomings and mistakes, don't make excuses, because it won't help. You should know how to reflect on yourself, try to make up for it, and correct it with your heart. This is the right way. Because when you are in the process of revision, you will feel that this is not only a reflection on the matter itself, but also a spiritual understanding and evolution. At the same time, you will realize that the process is actually bitter, but the result is gratifying.
"Be brave after knowing shame" is like Chinese medicine. Only by drinking it and slowly absorbing it will it have a good curative effect.