Albert Einstein’s famous quotes
1. The only obstacle that stood in the way of my learning was my education.
2. Mathematical principles are uncertain when they apply to reality, and when they are certain they do not apply to reality.
3. Common sense is the various prejudices formed before the age of eighteen.
4. The release of atomic energy did not create a new problem; it simply made the need to solve an existing problem more urgent.
5. If you are determined to tell the truth, leave decency to the tailor.
6. I don’t know what weapons World War III will be fought with, but I’m sure World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Friedrich Nietzsche's famous sayings
7. Nonsense is just nonsense at the beginning, but these nonsense are related to God, so in the end the nonsense becomes God.
8. Walking around a mental hospital shows that faith means nothing.
9. Oh, woman, you make the noble more noble and you can also create more humble people.
10. Is man a mistake made by God, or is God a mistake made by man.
11. Many people are stubborn in pursuing their chosen path, but few are stubborn in pursuing their goals.
Mark Twain’s famous sayings
12. Be careful when reading health books, you could die from a printing error.
13. Don’t go around complaining to people about what the world owes you. The world owes you nothing.
14. I never attend funerals, but I will write a cordial letter indicating that I approve of them.
15. I never let school affect my education.
16. People who do not read good books have nothing to be proud of compared with those who cannot read them.
17. Why are you sitting there looking like an unaddressed envelope?
Voltaire’s famous sayings
18. Prejudice is how a fool thinks.
19. Even if there is no God in the world, it is necessary to create one.
20. Everyone is guilty of the good he cannot do.
21. Not a single snowflake feels guilty when an avalanche occurs.
22. The real great thing about reason is that it helps us get along with people who don’t have reason.
23. It is very difficult to free fools from the chains of their worship.
24. Some people only think superficially.
25. If someone can make you believe absurd things, he or she can also make you commit sinful and unjust mistakes.
26. If you say something stupid, it will be different when you sing it.
27. Through praise, the advantages of others become your own wealth.
28. Governments need shepherds as well as butchers.
Plato’s famous saying
29. The consequence of not participating in politics is to be ruled by people inferior to you.
30. Teachers cannot teach those who want to be teachers, and rulers cannot govern those who want to be rulers.
31. The city of Rome is such a city because its citizens are such citizens.
32. The so-called courage is knowing what not to be afraid of.
33. The measure of a man is what he does when he has power.
Winston Churchill’s Quotes
34. The lie has traveled halfway around the world, and the truth has not yet dressed up.
35. If you're going through purgatory, get on with it.
36. The best rebuttal to democracy is talking to ordinary voters for five minutes.
37. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government that has ever existed, except for the others.
George Carlin’s famous quotes
38. Think about it, how stupid ordinary people are, but half of the people are even stupider.
39. A house is just a place to store what you have while you're away, and then you can come back with more.
40. Religion makes people believe that there is an invisible person in heaven who observes everything you do every moment, and this invisible person has ten things that he does not want us to do. If you do it, he It will send you to a place filled with scorching fire and smoke, and you will have to endure pain and torture forever. These pains, flames and screams will last until the end of time. But, he loves you, and he needs money.
41. You know what the biggest impact of those decisions in Texas was? There are fewer people there.
42. This reminds me of something my third grade teacher told me. She said, "You show me a tropical fruit, and I'll show you a Guatemalan blowjob."
43. I never went to school for ten years old, and one night I multiplied five by two. .
44. God, what era do you think this is?
45. The real reason why we can’t post the Ten Commandments in the courthouse is: You can’t let words like “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” appear in a room full of lawyers, judges, Where politicians are concerned, this creates a hostile work environment.
46. Atheism is a system that makes no predictions.
47. "No comment" is just a message.
48. If a person is smiling all the time, he is probably selling something that doesn’t work.
49. Why we say "American Dream", you have to fall asleep to believe it.
Steve Martin’s famous quotes
50. Man, look in French, there's a different word for everything.
51. There's only one thing that can get me divorced, and that's if my wife catches me with another woman. This is something I can't stand.
52. Hosting the Oscars is like having sex with a woman, and it's only possible when Bill Crystal isn't around.
53. I believe that sex is beautiful, natural, healthy, and can be bought with money.
54. Do you know what your problem is? You haven't watched enough movies, and all the confusions in life can be answered in movies.
55. The doctor first told me there was good news: a disease would be named after me.
56. Why do we never realize when love begins but we always know when it ends?
* Like Harris K. Telemasi in "The L.A Story" (1991)
Steven Corbill Quotes
57 . "Dinner with my idol George Bush***? I'll feel like I'm in a dream. Someone will pinch me, but you know what. It's not enough. I'm not easy to wake up from my dream. Someone has to be on my head. Knock it hard."
58. Your voice will be heard on this show, of course, with my voice.
59. There is a common saying in America: “We give everything to God,” and that’s exactly what God wants: our money.
60. Guys, our president needs a break, and like the Badger Angel Cordless Vacuum, you can't pick up dirt without charging it.
61. I'm always attracted to beautiful women. Of course, reading people is like reading a book. You cannot judge whether it is good or bad by its cover, but who would want to make love with a book?
62. My eyes can't distinguish skin color. People say I'm white, and I believe it. Because the police respectfully addressed me as "Sir".
63. The word "Asia" has four letters in English, but it has three billion people.
64. There's nothing inherently wrong with being gay, but I have a lot of friends who don't have it easy.
65. God forgives sinners but not criminals.
Joe Stuart’s famous sayings
66. I celebrate Thanksgiving traditionally. I invited all my neighbors to my house, we had a great meal, and then I killed them all and took their land.
67. Insomnia is my biggest source of inspiration.
68. Evidence of crimes, some of them very conclusive, of the possible use of weapons of mass destruction that we have been looking for to use as a pretext for the invasion of Iraq. There's just one problem, though, it's North Korea.
69. We declared war on terrorism—without saying it, so we're lucky.
70. Do you know how bizarre and absurd our war in Iraq was? We should have known that from the beginning. We entered Iraq, but Germany did not want to join us. That was Germany, and even this war giant was unwilling to intervene.
Bill Maher’s famous quotes
71. What used to be a crime is now a disease.
72. In my opinion, flying a plane into a building is rooted in their beliefs. Religion is insanity.
73. For me, religion is a bureaucratic vehicle between humans and God, and a bureaucratic vehicle that I don’t need.
74. Now that people are proposing a ban on smoking in places that are likely to be used by ten or more people in a week, I'm wondering if that means Madonna can't smoke in bed.
Jerry Seinfeld Quotes
75. Men have the same requirements for underwear as they do for women, a little support and a little freedom.
76. Dogs are the masters of this planet. If you see two life forms, one is defecating and the other is defecating, you will think which one is the owner.
77. Men's magazines rarely give advice because men don't know what they know, but women know and are willing to learn. What a man thinks is: "I know what I'm doing, you just have to show me naked."
78. Why do people send flowers to each other? Does celebrating various important events and festivals mean murdering human life? Why target plants? "Honey, let's get married, please accept this dead squirrel."
Larry David's famous quotes
79. Anyone can feel confident with his full head of hair. But a confident bald head is like a diamond among weeds.
80. It's interesting if you honestly say how you feel.
81. I wonder why Hitler didn't round up the gangsters and send them to concentration camps.
Dennis Miller Quotes
82. A recent study on police officers shows that if you run away, you are more likely to be hit by a fat police officer.
83 The average American has fewer holes in his or her schedule than a rookie has on a dart board.
84. The only way to get France involved in Iraq is to tell them that we have discovered French top quality chocolate in Iraq.
Jay Lennon’s famous quotes
85. It’s strange why we never hear news like “Psychic wins lottery jackpot”.
86. The Supreme Court decided that a nativity play could not be staged in Washington, but not for religious reasons. Because they could not find three wise men and a virgin.
87. There are now more overweight people in the United States than normal-weight people. Therefore, those who are overweight become normal weight, which means that your New Year's wish has come true.
88. An article in the "New England Journal of Medicine" stated that 90% of doctors think that 10% of doctors are stupid.
Rodney Dinchfield Quotes
89. My father carried a picture of his child with him. The child came to him along with the wallet he carried. of.
90. I was very poor when I was working in the talk show industry as a child, and I often went to banquets to eat grapes.
91. At my age, I want two girls. This way they would have someone to talk to while I was asleep.
92. A girl called me and said, "Come here, there is no one in my house." So I went, and there was indeed no one in her house.
93. If you are bisexual, your chances of going out on a date on the weekends double.
Salad Silverman Quotes
94. If God gives you AIDS - and He does give you AIDS - then make some lemonade to kill AIDS. .
95. I was raped by a doctor, which, you know, is bittersweet for a Jewish girl.
Chris Rock Quotes
96. There are two identical shopping malls in every district. One is where white people go, and the other is where white people used to go.
97. The security situation where I live is so bad that before you have even taken the first shot, the second shot comes again.
98. If a woman who looks sixteen tells you she is twenty, she is actually twelve. If she looks twenty-six and tells you she is twenty-six, then she may be almost forty.
99. Do you know how crazy this world is? The best rapper is white, the best golfer is black, the tallest player in the NBA is Chinese, and the Swiss defend the America's Cup sailing event. , France accused the United States of being arrogant, Germany did not participate in the war, and the three most powerful people in the United States were named "Bush" (Translator's Note: "Weed" in English) and "Dick" (Translator's Note: American slang for "male" "Genital"), "Cologne" (Translator's Note: "Colon"), do you need me to give you more examples?
100. The next four hosts are guaranteed to make you unable to take your eyes away. They are Salman. Hayek and Penelope. Cruz.
(Chris Rock is hosting the Oscars)
101. Gas prices are too expensive, so I decided to ride a Mexican to work.
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