1. Therefore, Yi has Tai Chi, which generates two rituals, two rituals generate four images, and four images generate Bagua. Bagua determines good and bad luck, and good and bad luck generates great causes.
2. The same voice corresponds to the same spirit.
3. Those who help others should trust.
4. A gentleman uses frugality to overcome difficulties, but cannot use glory and wealth.
5. The way that establishes heaven is called Yin and Yang, the way that establishes earth is called softness and strength, and the way that establishes people is called benevolence and righteousness.
6. There are lakes and salty mountains. A gentleman has substance in his words and perseverance in his actions.
7. A humble gentleman will be obeyed by all the people.
8. One yin and one yang are called Tao.
9. One yin and one yang are called Tao, and what follows is good, and what is completed is nature.
10. A gentleman is trustworthy and never eats his righteousness.
11. Hanzhang can be chaste, or he may work for the king, but there will be no success and there will be an end.
12. Sir, you must be in harmony with the virtues of heaven and earth, the brightness of the sun and the moon, the order of the four seasons, and the good and bad luck of ghosts and gods.
13. Difficulty leads to change, change leads to generalization, and generalization leads to long-term development.
14. To work without cutting back, to have merit but not to be virtuous is to be generous.
15. A gentleman is independent and has no fear. He is not bored in the world.
16. A gentleman’s respect should be straight inward, and righteousness should be directed outward.
17. Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.
18. A gentleman uses restraint to promote good, but obeys the will of heaven and gives up his life.
19. A gentleman learns to gather together, asks questions to argue, is generous to live in, and benevolent to practice.
20. Don’t take anything rashly, don’t give rashly, don’t think rashly, don’t ask rashly, be convenient for others, and be content with the situation.
21. A gentleman relies on virtue and accumulates small things to become taller.
22. Thunder is in the sky, strong and powerful, and a gentleman cannot act without courtesy.
23. The couple turns against each other and cannot get married.
24. Don’t ask for anything, don’t ask for anything, don’t think too much, and don’t ask for anything.
25. When two people are of the same mind, they can break through metal. Words of the same mind are as stinky as orchid.
26. Kun is soft but strong when moving, and virtuous when quiet.
27. There is no water in the lake and it is sleepy. A gentleman pursues his ambition with death.
28. Villains regard small kindness as useless and cannot do it, and small evil as harmless and cannot go away. Therefore, evil is accumulated and cannot be covered up, and sin is big and cannot be solved.
29. When the trend is on the water, it will be written naturally.
30. Wind and thunder are beneficial. A gentleman will move on when he sees something good, and correct when he sees something wrong.
31. Stop when the time comes, and move when the time comes. Movement and stillness do not lose their time, and the path is bright.
32. Things are not arbitrary, they must have their reasons.
33. A humble gentleman is humble enough to shepherd himself.
34. If you have a good heart, don’t ask about Yuan Ji. If you have a good heart, you will be virtuous.
35. "Yi", poverty leads to change, change leads to generalization, and generalization leads to long-term development.
36. Don’t be arrogant when you are in a high position, and don’t worry when you are in a low position.
37. A gentleman will not flatter others when he is in higher positions, and will not be blasphemy in lower ones.
38. The metaphysical is called Tao, and the metaphysical is called tool.
39. Don’t do things for princes, but do noble things.
40. Only a gentleman has the ambition to conquer the world.
41. That is, the deer is better than Yu, only entering the forest. As a gentleman, it is better to give up and be stingy.
42. There is no peace or failure, no return, no hardship, no blame.
43. The same voice corresponds to the same breath, the same air seeks the other, the water flows moistly, the fire dries up, the clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, each follows its own kind.
44. Observe astronomy to observe changes in time. Observe humanities to transform the world.
45. A benevolent person sees it and calls it benevolence, a knowledgeable person sees it and calls it knowledge, but the common people don’t know it for daily use; therefore, the way of a gentleman is fresh!
46. A gentleman will move on when he sees good, and correct when he has made mistakes.
47. A gentleman’s thoughts are boundless by teaching, and his tolerance and protection of the people are boundless.
48. The heaven and earth touch, and all things come into being; the saint touches people’s hearts, and the world is peaceful.
49. A gentleman’s way is long, but a villain’s way is gone. The villain's Tao is long, and the gentleman's Tao disappears.
50. A benevolent person sees it as benevolence, and a wise person sees it as wisdom.
51. A house that accumulates good deeds will surely be blessed; a house that accumulates bad deeds will surely have lingering disasters.
52. Founding a country and inheriting a family should not be used by villains.
53. Those who know how to advance and retreat without losing their integrity are only saints.
54. If good deeds are not accumulated, it is not enough to become famous; if evil deeds are not accumulated, it is not enough to destroy the body.
55. Birds of a feather flock together and things divide into groups.
56. A humble gentleman can cross great rivers.
57. It is rare to be inferior to those who have weak virtues but high status, who know small things but plan big things, who have little strength but heavy responsibilities.
58. Heaven is moving vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. The terrain is kun, and a gentleman carries things with kindness.
59. A gentleman waits for the opportunity to act, and does not wait until the end of the day.