1. If the sky is healthy, a gentleman will strive to strengthen himself; if the terrain is weak, a gentleman will be virtuous. ——"Book of Changes"
2. A wise man will not be confused, a benevolent man will not worry, and a brave man will not be afraid. ——"The Analects of Confucius"
3. Those who gain the right will get many help, while those who lose the right will get little help. ——"Mencius"
4. A house that accumulates good deeds will always be happy; a house that accumulates bad deeds will have residual disasters. ——"The Book of Changes"
5. Everything has its beginning and end, and everything has its beginning and end. If you know the order of things, you will be able to take the shortcut. ——"University"
6. Isn't it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but doesn't get upset? ——"The Analects of Confucius"
7. A gentleman hides his weapons in his body and waits for the time to move. ——"Book of Changes"
8. A gentleman is known as righteousness, and a villain is known as benefit. ——"The Analects of Confucius"
9. Fish is what I want, and bear's paws are also what I want. You cannot have both, and you would give up fish and take bear's paws. Life is what I want; righteousness is also what I want; you cannot have both, and you have to sacrifice life for righteousness. ——"Mencius"
10. Learning without thinking is a waste, thinking without learning is a disaster.
——"The Analects of Confucius"