For Abbafuti, this business trip is to go to the prestigious Rome and serve the respected and admired Paul. But at this time, Paul is not sightseeing in Rome, but in prison, which means he will spend a period of prison life with Paul after he goes to Rome. In addition, even Paul himself could not judge how the Roman authorities would convict Paul. Paul once said, "Nothing can make me so ashamed as I desire and hope. As long as I am bold in everything, whether I live or die, I will always make Christ appear in me as usual. Because I was Christ when I was alive, it is good for me to die. But if I live in the flesh and achieve the fruits of my efforts, I don't know what to choose. I am in a dilemma. I would rather die than be with Christ, because this is extremely good. " If Abafuti is sentenced to death, whether he will be implicated is really worth considering. Therefore, Ebafuti's mission this time may be a sheep in the jaws of a tiger, setting a trap for himself.
In addition, the distance between the Philippines and Rome is about 2000 kilometers. In that era when there were neither planes nor high-speed trains, only the most primitive means of transportation-feet could be used. However, this journey is not a broad road, but from eastern Macedonia to the Italian peninsula, and then continue south to Rome. It is inevitable that you need to travel around Dai Yue and sleep in the wind, because the Philippian church knows Paul's predicament and needs to solve Paul's urgent needs urgently. Therefore, Abbafuti must keep on his way in order to get to Rome as soon as possible. Needless to say, hardship is a bitter word.
However, these difficulties did not stop Abafuti at all. He resolutely embarked on a journey and successfully completed this arduous task.