Confucius said: A gentleman doesn't want to have enough to eat, and he doesn't want to live in peace and security, but he is careful to speak. Confucius said: A gentleman doesn't want to have enough to eat, and he doesn't want to live comfortably, but he is diligent and agile in his work, but he is careful to speak, so he can be said to be eager to learn.
1. This passage is Confucius' description of the daily words and deeds of a gentleman. Confucius put forward important views on the living conditions and attitudes of gentlemen: First of all, gentlemen do not pursue the satiety of food and the comfort of living. They pay more attention to spiritual satisfaction than material enjoyment.
2. This attitude shows that gentlemen attach importance to self-cultivation, and they are willing to make more investment in the spiritual level instead of pursuing material enjoyment excessively. A gentleman shows diligence and agility in his work. They are full of enthusiasm for their work, do their best to complete the task, do not shirk their responsibilities, and do not complain about difficulties.
3. A gentleman shows a cautious attitude in words and deeds. They don't speak easily, and they don't act at will. Before making a speech, they will think carefully to ensure that their speech will not cause adverse effects. Before taking action, they will carefully consider the consequences of their actions to ensure that their actions will not bring adverse consequences.
4. Confucius also emphasized that a gentleman should pursue the attitude of self-improvement and progress. They should keep learning and constantly revise their behaviors and thoughts in order to reach a higher level. This attitude of pursuing self-improvement and progress is one of the most important qualities of a gentleman.
the style of Confucius' works
1. Concise and bright: Confucius' works are concise in language and bright in words, with few complicated rhetorical devices and too many flowery words. This concise and lively style makes Confucius' works have strong expressive power and appeal, and can quickly convey the author's thoughts and feelings.
2. Profound composure: Confucius' works are often not superficial statements, but dig deep into the essence of human nature and society. His works often involve the true meaning of life, moral values, political ideals and other aspects. These themes are calm and profound, and they need to be deeply thought out before they can be truly understood.
3. Rich in philosophy: Confucius' works are full of philosophy. He is good at using metaphors, symbols and other techniques to put abstract philosophy in concrete images, so that readers can understand abstract philosophy through the feelings of images. This philosophical style makes Confucius' works highly enlightening and educational.
4. Liberal and gentle: Although Confucius' works are concise and lively, they are not short of literary talent and elegance. His writing is gentle and has strong literariness. At the same time, his works are full of liberal arts, and he is good at quoting historical allusions and famous sayings to enhance the persuasiveness of his works. This liberal and gentle style makes Confucius' works not only have ideological depth, but also have literary charm.