The content is as follows:
1. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is a waste, thinking without learning is peril."
Translation: Confucius said: "Just reading without thinking will lead to confusion and confusion; just dreaming without reading will be harmful
2. The Master said: When three people walk together, there must be one who is my teacher. Choose the one who is good and follow him , and those who are not good will change it.
Translation: Confucius said: When many people come together, there will definitely be a teacher among them. Use their strengths to learn from them, and use their shortcomings to correct them.
3. Confucius said: “Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy.
Translation: Confucius said: "As for learning, those who know how to learn are not as good as those who love learning; those who love learning are not as good as those who enjoy learning."
4. Confucius said: "Those who review old knowledge and learn new things can become teachers."
Translation: Confucius said: "After reviewing old knowledge, one can have new understandings and new discoveries. Such a person can be a teacher." Teacher's. "
5. Don't believe it when making friends?
Is the translator honest in dealing with friends?
Artistic Features
The Analects of Confucius is mostly quotations, but all of them are rich in meaning, and some sentences and chapters are vivid. For example, "Zeng Xiran You Gong Xihua Sitting Down" is not only longer in length, but also pays attention to description. It can be regarded as a narrative with a complete structure. The characters are vivid, and the ideological tendencies are naturally revealed through the characters' expressions, actions, and dialogues. It has a strong of artistry.
Confucius is the center of the description in "The Analects". "The Master's style is overflowing with aphorisms" ("Wen Xin Diao Long Zheng Sheng"); the book not only contains static descriptions of his manners and behavior, but also There is a vivid portrayal of his personality and temperament. In addition, around the center of Confucius, "The Analects" also successfully portrays the images of some Confucian disciples. For example, Zi Lu is straightforward and reckless, Yan Hui is gentle and virtuous, Zigong is smart and eloquent, Zeng Xi is unrestrained and refined, etc. They all have distinctive personalities and can leave a deep impression on others.