Current location - Quotes Website - Famous sayings - What does it mean if it is empty, it will be tilted, if it is medium, it will be upright, and if it is full, it will be overturned.
What does it mean if it is empty, it will be tilted, if it is medium, it will be upright, and if it is full, it will be overturned.

It means: it will tilt when empty, it will be upright when half filled with water, and it will tip over when full of water.

From: "Xunzi You Zuo" by Xun Kuang [at the end of the Warring States Period].

Original sentence: When Confucius looked at the temple of Duke Huan of Lu, there was a teapot. Confucius asked the temple guard: "What is this?" The temple guard said: "This cover is for you to sit on." Confucius said: "I heard that the utensil for sitting on it is empty, then it is upright, and when it is full, it is upright. Then it will be overturned."

Confucius said to his disciple: "How about pouring water?" The disciple took the water and poured it into it. It will be straight when it is full, and it will be full when it is empty. Confucius sighed and said: "Oh! It's evil to be full but not overturned!"

Zilu said: "Dare you ask if there is a way to hold full?" Confucius said: "The wise sages know how to guard it with foolishness. "If one's merits are conquered by the world, one should keep them with him; if one is brave enough to conquer the world, one should keep them with timidity; if one is rich in the world, one should keep them with modesty."

Explanation: Confucius went to Lu Huan Gong's temple. I went to visit and saw an instrument that was tilted and easily overturned. Confucius asked the man guarding the temple: "What kind of utensil is this?" The man guarding the temple replied: "This is the utensil for sitting down." Confucius said: "I heard that the utensil for sitting down will tilt when it is empty, and it will tilt when it is half full. The water will be straight, and it will fall over when it is filled with water." Confucius turned to the students and said, "Pour water into it." It was upright. When it was filled with water, it tipped over. When the water was emptied, it tilted again. Confucius said with emotion: "Hey, how can someone be full without overturning?" Zilu said: "Is there a way to keep it full?"

Confucius said: "Those who are wise and wise can Use stupid methods; those who have made more achievements than anyone in the world, use the method of concession; those who use courage to conquer the world, use the method of cowardice; those who have wealth spread all over the world, use the method of humility. This is what is called constant filling and constant depletion.

Extended information:

Background of article creation

This article and the following articles are all quoted by Xun Qing and his disciples. In the later "Appendix", this article records Confucius' deeds, including Confucius's visit to Lu Huan Gong's temple and his discussion of Qi Qi, killing Shao Zhengmao, and being trapped in Chen Cai.

Xunzi. This account of Confucius' view of the "Use of Sitting" is very profound. It still shines with the light of truth that cannot be annihilated, and has a huge impact on future generations.

According to the evidence. According to records, Du Yu of the Jin Dynasty and Zu Chongdu of the Southern Dynasty made similar weapons to educate their children to study hard and prevent pride and complacency. Mao Zedong's famous saying "Humility makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind" is more in line with the above. The principles he talks about are similar but have similar approaches.

Xun Kuang is a thinker of the emerging landlord class. On the basis of inheriting the early Confucianism, he also absorbed and transformed the strengths of various schools. He established his own ideological system and developed the ancient materialist tradition. Most of the 32 existing chapters of "Xunzi" are Xunzi's own works, involving many aspects of philosophy, logic, politics, and morality.

In terms of his view of nature, he opposed belief in destiny, ghosts and gods, and affirmed that the laws of nature are independent of human will. He once said, "The way of heaven is permanent, and it will not exist for Yao, nor will it perish for Jie." "Xunzi's Theory of Heaven" means that nature should not dominate humans, but humans should dominate nature, and at the same time, they should comply with the laws of nature;

On the issue of human nature, he proposed that "nature is evil" Theory", which advocates that people have two parts: "nature" and "pseudo". Sex (nature) is the evil animal instinct, and pseudo (artificial nature) is the good ritual and music education. It denies the moral concept of innateness. It emphasizes the influence of acquired environment and education on people. In terms of political thought, he adhered to the Confucian principle of rule by etiquette, while paying attention to people's material needs, and advocated the combination of economic development and rule of law by etiquette.

In terms of epistemology, he recognized that human thinking can reflect reality. . But there is a tendency to underestimate the role of the senses. In the famous "Encouragement to Learning", he concentrated on his views on learning, believing that being knowledgeable and constantly checking and reflecting on oneself can "know clearly." He also pointed out that learning must be connected with reality, apply what has been learned, and the learning attitude should be sincere, dedicated, and unremitting.

He attaches great importance to the status and role of teachers in teaching and believes that the country must prosper , we must value teachers and put forward strict requirements for teachers. He believes that if teachers do not set an example for students, students will not be able to practice. He also proposed that "water can carry a boat, and water can overturn it."

Later, Meng Tian, ??Li Si, Han Fei, etc. were all disciples of Xunzi.