Use history as a mirror and read history to learn from others? This is a very philosophical and profound saying. By using history as a mirror, we can know the ups and downs, and future generations can read the history before and discover the historical laws that transcend time and space constraints in the history books. By mastering the laws of history for our own use, we can satisfy our own personal development. Developing in accordance with the trend of history can find a shortcut to success, while developing against the trend of history will make us full of setbacks and take more detours on the road to success. Many founding kings of ancient feudal dynasties would learn from the experience of the demise of previous dynasties.
The people are an important force in promoting historical development. Many feudal dynasties did not realize this. The feudal ruling class harmed the interests of most people for their own interests. This was the fundamental reason for their demise. The founders of the dynasty knew the hardships of starting a business. Therefore, after establishing their own country, they knew better about working hard to govern, and they also understood that keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business. However, their descendants have not experienced the cruelty of war, nor have they experienced wind and rain, and they have begun to forget the people-oriented concept of governing the country. The fine traditional virtues of their ancestors have not been inherited by them. They squandered the labor wealth and spiritual wealth created by people at the bottom of society, and were eventually swallowed up by such squandering behavior.
Reading history books, we can find that such historical laws have reached the national level. Reading history and appreciating people means that everyone is a fragment of history. Every piece of history is accumulated from countless fragments. Countless fragments form a complete picture to form a complete history.
And each of us is an integral part of history. Everyone is at different historical stages, and their development process has great enlightenment for our descendants. Their successes and failures, their peaks and troughs have a lot of reference significance for future generations. We can stand on the basis of our predecessors. Walk out your own broad road on your shoulders.
Eight-door, five-flowered and fat pig arches decorate the facade, the emperor¡¯s disciples
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