Invisible connection is stronger than visible connection-Heraclitus
The world is a comedy for people who think, but a tragedy for people who feel. Depreciation explains why democritus laughs and Heraclitus cries. -Horace Valpoli
Everyone only believes in his own experience-empedocles
Man is the measure of everything-Prota Ge
If you listen to my opinion, you are not listening to Socrates, but more listening to the truth-Socrates
people who don't understand mathematics are not allowed in-Plato
Everything changes, and nothing is always there. Aristotle
The weak generally yearn for justice and equality, but the strong don't care about it-Aristotle
Everyone is naturally eager to know the world-Aristotle
Man is essentially a political animal-Aristotle
I am a citizen of the world-diogenes
In fact, if I am not Alexander, I would rather be diogenes-Alexander the Great < Secondly, it means to get rid of my worries-sextus empirico's death is not worth mentioning-Epicurus
God wanted me to be virtuous, but I failed to do so-Saint Augustine
Among all the bad consequences of fate, the greatest misfortune is happiness-Episius
Know the soul according to actions-Thomas Aquinas
. It's safer to be feared than loved-Nicola Machiavelli
the wisest, cleverest and meanest man-Pope Alexander commented on Francis Bacon's illusion of language and knowledge, and infatuation with language is infatuation with images-Francis Bacon
Wise men regard language as counterfeit money ... but fools regard it as wealth-Thomas Hobbes
When he was a child. I am shocked by this-René Descartes
Common sense is the most widely distributed commodity in the world, because everyone is sure that he has rich common sense-René Descartes
But nature is inviolable, and it has its own fixed order-Spinoza
People who think they are free are deceived-Spinoza
I call it the law of continuity-Leibniz
has two truths: the truth of reasoning and the truth of fact-Leibniz
it is one thing to pay for a person's mistakes, but it is another thing to make him have the truth-John Locke
a person's understanding cannot exceed his experience-John Locke's new ideas are often doubted and opposed. Just because they haven't been understood by ordinary people-John Locke
Truth is everyone's wish, but it's only a few people's game-George Bekele
The beauty of things exists in the minds of thinkers-David Hume
Reason is the slave of passion-David Hume
It is necessary for him to squander luxury-Voltaire
. But it is omnipresent in the shackles-Jean Jacques Rousseau
realized his own limitations, so philosophy would exist-Kant
believed in the existence of God, but it was not necessary to prove the existence of God-Kant
Plato was sacred, and Kant was surprising-Schopenhauer's opening remarks
... as long as we obeyed. Constantly filled with hope and fear ... we can never achieve lasting happiness and peace-Arthur Schopenhauer
man is like a wolf-Arthur Schopenhauer
The world is my appearance-Arthur Schopenhauer
This is an incredible thing that cannot be expressed ... Only by becoming it can we understand it-Upanishads. It depends on what kind of person you are-Johan Gauterie Fichte
accusing philosophers of being obscure is weak-Friedrich Schelling
Limited things are not real existence-Hegel
All human existence belongs to the state-Hegel.