Domestic scholars are against it, and the son can't pretend to be sick. The king of Zhao sent someone to persuade him, "Family affairs are subordinate to parents, and state affairs are subordinate to the monarch. Now I am promoting changing clothes to the people, but my uncle doesn't wear them. I am worried that the whole world will accuse me of favoritism. " Governing the country has certain rules and regulations, and always benefits the people; There are certain routines in dealing with political affairs, and executing orders is the most important. The promotion of morality should first be aimed at the humble lower class, and the implementation of the law must begin with the trusted ministers of the nobility. Therefore, I hope I can use my uncle's example to accomplish the feat of changing Khufu. Cheng Gongzi thanked him and said, "I heard that China is a place where people from far away countries come to visit and study, under the guidance of saints. Regardless of this now, imitating clothes from distant countries is an act of changing old habits and going against people's hearts. I hope you will consider it carefully. " The messenger reported to the king of Zhao. Wang Zhao personally came to the door and explained: "There are Qi and Zhongshan countries in the east of China; There are Guo Yan and East Lake in the north; Loufan is in the west, bordering on Qin and North Korea. How to raise without training in riding and archery? In the past, Sun Yat-sen invaded our territory by relying on Qiang Bing of Qi, plundered the people and divided water around the city. Without God's blessing, the city would almost fall. Wang is deeply ashamed of this. So I decided to change clothes and learn to ride and shoot, in order to resist disasters in all directions and avenge Zhongshan. And uncle, you blindly follow the old customs of China, hate changing clothes, and forget the shame of the city. I am deeply disappointed in you! " Childe Cheng suddenly woke up and readily obeyed. The prince of Zhao personally gave him Hu clothes, and the next day he went to the court in Hu clothes. Therefore, the king of Zhao officially issued a decree to change it to Khufu, and advocated learning to ride horses and shoot arrows.
On May 26th, the Prince of Zhao held a grand ceremony in the East Palace to pass the throne to Zhao He. After Zhao He worshiped his ancestors, he ascended the throne to govern the state affairs, and all the doctors became court ministers. He also appointed Fei Yi as Guo Xiang and was honored as the monarch's teacher. King Wuling of Zhao calls himself "father". Zhao Zhu's father hoped that his son would govern the country and wear the clothes of the conference semifinals. He led a civil servant to attack the territory of the conference semifinals in the northwest. He planned to attack Xianyang and Qin Dou from the cloud and Jiuyuan south, so he disguised himself as an envoy and went to Qin, hoping to scout the terrain of Qin and the king of Qin. The king of Qin did not notice this. Afterwards, he felt that this person's appearance was very impressive, unlike a courtier. He hurried to send someone after him. Zhao Zhu's father and his team have left the border. After some questioning and investigation, Qin was shocked to learn that he was his father.
Wang Zhao named his younger brother Zhao Life Ping Yuanjun. Ping Yuanjun is a good scholar and often has thousands of diners. One of them, Gong Sunlong, is good at textual research on the debate of "solid but different", and Ping Yuanjun respects him as a distinguished guest. Kong Chuan came to Zhao from Lu and argued with Gong Sunlong about "handmaiden's three ears". GongSunLong argued cleverly, Kong Chuan was unable to answer, and soon left. The next day, when he met Ping Yuanjun again, Ping Yuanjun asked, "What do you think of what Gong Sunlong said yesterday?" Answer: "Yes, he can almost make handmaiden really grow three ears." Even so, it is actually very difficult. I want to ask you again: now it is difficult to prove that San Er is untenable; It is very easy and true to prove two ears. I wonder if you will choose easy truth or difficult falsehood? "Ping Yuanjun was speechless. The next day, Ping Yuanjun said to GongSunLong, "Don't argue with Kong Chuan any more. His reason is better than words, and your words are better than reason, and you will definitely not prevail in the end. "
Zou Yan passed by Zhao and told him to argue with GongSunLong about "a white horse is not a horse". Zou Yan said: "Impossible. The so-called debate, to distinguish between different types, non-aggression; Arrange different concepts without confusion; Express your intentions and general concepts, show your point of view, and let others understand, not be confused. In this way, the winner of the debate can stick to his position and get the truth he pursues. Such a debate is possible. If red tape is used as evidence, rhetoric is used to slander each other, and rhetoric is used to steal concepts and attract people's attention, it will hinder the fundamental principles of academic research. That kind of pestering, aggressive, always asking others to admit defeat before shutting up, is detrimental to the gentleman's demeanor. I, Zou Yan, will never participate. " All the people present cheered in unison. Since then, GongSunLong has been left out in the cold.
This is not a continuous roll at all, it is obviously loose! ! My translation is not easy. Are you satisfied?