the first expenditure has been in Zhou dynasty since ancient times. The Zhou tribe existed in the era of the Yellow Emperor 5 years ago, and the ministers of the Yellow Emperor were Zhou Chang and Zhou Shu, both of whom belonged to the Zhou tribe. The Zhou tribe is the ancient Zhou state, and it belongs to the Yellow Emperor clan. During the Yellow Emperor's era, agriculture in northwest China developed greatly, and it already had the technology of drilling deep wells, digging canals and diverting water to irrigate farmland. Zhou Chang and Zhou Shu, the ministers of the Yellow Emperor, were probably the first clan leaders to dig wells to irrigate farmland. They developed agriculture and were important tribes at that time. The original meaning of the word Zhou is around, and the word Zhou is like a well and a canal. Therefore, the Zhou tribe in the era of the Yellow Emperor used the graphic "Zhou" to show its clan skills as the emblem of the clan, and then became the name of the clan. The Zhou clan has been active in Linfen (also known as Taiyuan) in Shanxi, and it is also the ancient land of Zhou Chang. This is the oldest and magical Zhou surname in China, with a history of more than 5, years. Up to now, there are still some people named Zhou who respect Zhou Chang, the minister of the Yellow Emperor, as their ancestors.
the second expenditure comes from Ji's surname. The vast majority of people surnamed Zhou in ancient and modern times regarded Hou Ji, the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, as the ancestor of Zhou. The history of Ji surnamed Zhou began in Hou Ji, and Hou Ji abandoned his name. He was an agricultural official who planted millet in the Yu Shun era. Millet, namely millet, was the main food of northwest nationalities at that time. Hou Ji has made great achievements in managing agriculture, and was sealed in Jishan Mountain, now known as Jiwang Mountain, which is located at the junction of Jishan Mountain, Wenxi, Wanrong and Yuncheng. By the time of Kong Jia in Xia Dynasty, the Xia Dynasty had declined. Under the pressure of merchants, Hou Ji's descendants moved northward and entered Linfen, Shanxi Province, the land of the ancient Zhou Dynasty. They absorbed the inherent farming experience of the Huangdi clan and the mining field system in Xia Dynasty, created regional fields, developed agriculture, and strengthened the clan, which was called Da Zhou in history. Later, it crossed Luliang Mountain and entered Qudi, now in Jixian County, Shanxi Province and Quchan River in shilou county. After entering the Shang Dynasty, Gong Liu, a descendant of Hou Ji, led his people to move to the west, that is, to the west of Xunyi County, Shaanxi Province, and also to Jishan Mountain, Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, and the tribe of the Zhou Dynasty began to form. In the late Shang Dynasty, the descendant of Gong Liu, Gugong Zhifu, moved south to Zhouyuan, south of Qishan, and established a city, which was officially called Zhou. After three generations, namely, Zhou Taiwang, Ji Chang (Zhou Wenwang) and Ji Fa (Zhou Wuwang), the Zhou Dynasty was established for 8 years. During the more than 1 years of Xia and Shang Dynasties, Zhou people lived in Shanxi, and only moved westward and southward to the west of Chang 'an, Shaanxi, at the end of Shang Dynasty. In the pre-Qin period, there were few celebrities of Zhou clan, and only one Taishi Zhou appeared in the history books at the end of Shang Dynasty.
It was after the demise of the Zhou Dynasty that the Zhou surname was officially used in large numbers, and it has a history of 2,3 years. Zhou Pingwang moved its capital to Luoyi, now Luoyang, which is called the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history. Ji Lie, the youngest son of Ping Wang, was sealed in Rufen, now in the east of Yexian County, Henan Province, to the 18th generation of Sun Jiyong, and the Qin Dynasty destroyed Zhou, and his descendants were surnamed Zhou. In the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, named Zhou Ren as the Duke of Rufen because he was a descendant of the Zhou royal family. Since then, this Zhou surname has developed rapidly. During the Han and Tang Dynasties, it formed more than a dozen famous counties with Runan County as the core and became the largest tribe of Zhou surnames. Its descendants have been distributed in Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Zhejiang and other regions. Then it entered Fujian and Guangxi in the early Tang Dynasty, and Zhou's surname appeared in Sichuan in the late Tang Dynasty. In the early Qing Dynasty, it began to enter Taiwan Province.
Zhou Nanwang, the leader of the Zhou Dynasty's national subjugation, was moved to a lonely place. Now he is in the northwest of Linru, Henan Province, and his descendants are also surnamed Zhou, which is another important surname of Zhou Pingwang's descendants. Later, it moved eastward to northern Jiangsu, forming a group of Zhou surnames in the famous county of Wangpei. Zhou bo and Zhou Chang, who helped Gaozu rule the world in the early Han Dynasty, and Zhou Yafu, who put down Wu Chu's "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" in the early Western Han Dynasty, are all descendants of Zhou Nanwang, which is the most brilliant and developing period since Zhou's surname became his own.
The other surname Zhou comes from Zhou Wuwang's younger brother Zhou Gongdan. During the reign of King Zhuang of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the descendant of Zhou Gongdan, Duke Heijian, was in power in the DPRK. He was killed in the failed coup at King Zhuang of Zhou Dynasty, and later took refuge and changed his surname to Zhou. This branch mainly lives in Qufu, Shandong Province, and its descendants are unknown and not seen in history books.
The third branch originated from a foreign family. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was a period of great ethnic integration in northern China and great population migration in the history of China. Due to the war in the north and the large number of ethnic minorities entering the Central Plains, Zhou moved and developed to the south and southeast with other indigenous residents in North China. The people in the Central Plains began to blend in with the blood of a large number of northern nationalities, and the genes of Xianbei people, Platts, the brother of Xian Di in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and Putun's and Helu's surnames of Xianbei people also flowed into Zhou's surnames, especially in Henan County. Later, the Jin Jurchen was proud of the Guo family, and the Manchu Eight Banners surnamed GAI clan in the Qing Dynasty collectively changed their surnames to Zhou. These foreigners gradually assimilated into the northern Zhou Han nationality after long-term mixed residence with the Han nationality.