1. Everyone fled to their seats, too scared to say anything. Teacher Wang changed his face, went to the teaching desk and asked sharply, "Who?" No one answered. Mr. Wang said in a higher voice, "Who?"
2. At this moment, Caron seemed to pity Cross, suddenly stood up and said firmly, "It's me!" Mr. Wang stared at Caron, looked at the students who stayed, and said quietly, "Not you."
Close stood up and cried, "They beat me and bullied me. I was so angry that I threw away the ink bottle unconsciously. "
4. "You bully innocent people! You bully the unfortunate children and the weak! You did the most meaningless and shameful thing! Mean thing! "
With that, Mr. Wang walked beside Caron, put his hand under his cheek, lowered his head, looked into his eyes and said, "Your spirit is noble!"
6. "Amway Look at that lovely child! Doesn't he study very hard? Just like you, you don't care about anything, and you say you work hard! Ah! Really! That child's hard work in one day is more valuable than your hard work in one year! Children like that should win the first prize! "
7. He is a teacher with red curly hair and always happy.
8. Some people are as stubborn as donkeys and refuse to enter the classroom despite persuasion. The adults dragged and pulled, as if it were a tug of war.
He is small and amiable, and always smiles when he talks to us, just like our good friends.
10. He is a tall man with long gray hair and a long wrinkle on his forehead.
1 1. His voice is rough, and to make matters worse, there is no smile on his face.
12. He stared at us as if to see through our inner world.
17. He is thin and has a garlic nose.
17. He always likes to play with the rabbit's mouth, wrinkling his nose, pouting his mouth and opening his eyes wide, which makes us burst into laughter.
17. The harbor is deep and the road is narrow, and I feel that I can't go to the end.
16. He avoided the crowd and glanced at everyone here with defensive and preemptive eyes.
17. winding paths lead to secluded places, lush towering trees, a face-sized sunflower, olive green silver leaves, dark green of cedar and pine trees, blue-green of hard wheat and green of vineyards all seem to be a green palette, which makes me relaxed and happy.
18. Some shook their mother's hand and shouted for their parents to pick them up early. Some said they entered the classroom, and when they looked back, the adults had already left. They burst into tears and rushed out of the classroom, hugging their father's leg and saying nothing.
19. Hope comes from disappointment, and the rise begins with worry, just as a poet said: people who feel hungry.