Qin Zi asked, "Is it beneficial to talk more?" Mozi said, "Toads, frogs and flies are singing day and night, and they are thirsty, so they can't listen to them. Today, you see the morning chicken, the night singing and the world shaking. It's no use talking too much, only when talking. "
Reading problem
(1) Explain the following words.
(1) Constant sound day and night ()
(2) But don't listen ()
(2) Translate the following sentences.
Only when you say it.
(3) Summarize the ideological significance of this fable from a certain angle.
Selected from Mozi, followed by Mozi.
Qin Zi: Mozi's student.
Benefits: benefits.
Frog fly: A frog, catfish and frog. (can be understood as frogs and flies)
H: often.
We: It's broken.
But don't listen: but no one listens. But like this.
Call at night: at the right time, on time. Ring the bell, crow Dawn crows.
What are the advantages of talking more? What are the advantages of talking more?
Sing on time: sing on time
I looked at it, sleepy and tired.
Singing at night, the world shakes: singing loudly before dawn, awakening all things in the world and taking action in succession.
Translation (1): Toads, frogs, flies and other small animals often sing day and night, making them thirsty. However, how many people listen to them and how many people pay attention to them? Today, we watch the rooster at dawn, sing loudly before dawn, wake up everything in the world and act in succession. So, what's the use of talking too much?
The truth is: only what you should say is wisdom!
(2) Qin Zi asked the teacher, "Will you talk more?" Mozi replied, "Toads and frogs bark all day and all night, making them thirsty and tired, but no one listens to them." Look at that rooster, crowing at dawn on time, and the world shakes. What are the benefits of talking more? " It is only useful to speak at the right time. "
Truth: Only when you say it.
Analysis: Mozi said, "Is it beneficial to say more?" This question, with examples and comparisons, illustrates a truth: what you are talking about is not how much, but how to make the best use of the situation, grasp the key and hit the nail on the head. When reading, according to the picture, "Is it beneficial to say more?" This problem is understood from two aspects of comparison, and the truth that "only when talking" is obtained.