, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise. Those who are close will not have grandchildren, and those who are far away will be resentful." ——"The Analects of Confucius." "Yang Huo" is generally regarded as an argument for Confucius's contempt for women and manual workers. Even those overseas who sincerely respected Confucius found it difficult to deny his words and said helplessly: "Confucius was wrong in saying this." The previous sentence here, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise" has almost become a wise saying in the traditional male-centered society. The last sentence was almost forgotten.
If you think about it carefully, these two sentences were originally a full stop and a complete sentence. Why were they taken out of context by later generations, the second half was omitted, and the first half became a famous quote? This is indeed an interesting oversight or forgetting