1. How many people commit crimes just because they cannot bear evil! 2. Slaves start to demand justice, but eventually demand the kingdom. 3. The truth gains vitality in people and is displayed. 4. All great deeds and great ideas have an absurd beginning. 5. Climbing to the top, this kind of struggle itself is enough to enrich people's hearts. People must believe that there is more to the mountain than happiness. 6. What is a famous person? It is someone who no longer needs a name. Others have names that have a fixed meaning to them personally. ?Freedom should be an opportunity to make yourself better. ?True generosity towards the future is to dedicate everything to the present. 1O God, I do not seek eternal life, but I seek to exhaust all realms. 2 In a person's attachment to life, there is something more powerful than any suffering in the world. 3 Every wall is a door. 4The important thing is not to cure the disease, but to live with the pain. 5 The less meaningless life is, the more worth living it is. 6 people should sometimes show their true colors in the struggle against difficulties. 7 I wonder whether people who have accepted a life without hesitation can also work and create without hesitation and what the path is to these freedoms. 8 His contempt for God, his hatred of death, and his passion for life made him suffer this indescribable torture: exerting all his strength and achieving nothing. This is the price you have to pay for loving this land. 9 Sisyphus, the divine proletarian, helpless and resisting, knew the depth and breadth of his miserable condition: it was this condition that he thought of as he descended the mountain. The insight that caused his pain also completed his victory. There is no fate that contempt cannot overcome. 10 When the image of the earth clings to the memory too strongly, when the call for happiness is too urgent, sadness will arise in the human heart: this is the victory of the boulder. 11The struggle to reach the top is in itself enough to enrich the human soul. It should be assumed that Sisyphus is happy. 12 The human heart has an annoying tendency to call destiny only that which overpowers it. 13 No matter what, walking alone among so many people always gives people a strange feeling. 14 No, there is indeed something to be proud of: this sunshine, this sea, my heart full of youth, my body full of salt, and the vastness where warmth and glory meet in yellow and blue. background. It is all this that I must use my powers and talents to acquire. 15 Why should I deny the joy of life, if I know that I cannot include everything in the joy of life? Happiness is nothing to be ashamed of. But today fool is king, and I call those who are afraid to enjoy it fools. 16 It makes sense for a child to want to be a primary school teacher, and those who make tirade about manual labor have no idea what they are talking about. 17But who can sleep alone all the time? Some people do this. They live in isolation to complete some mission or have suffered misfortune, so they sleep with death. 18 For so many years, she had been driven by fear, running wildly and aimlessly, and now she finally stopped. At this moment, she seemed to have found her roots again, and the juice was flowing through her body again. 19 He really wanted to become young, and Fernand also wanted to become young, and then they would leave and go to the other side of the sea. 20 He was alone in this vast land that he loved so much. 21 Real artists despise nothing. They force themselves to understand rather than judge. 22 We have to develop an art of living in catastrophic times in order to be regenerated and then openly fight against the death instinct that is at work in our history. 23The greatest sin is superficiality. 24 When art is denied, suffering becomes more severe. 25 It has been said that great ideas come to the world on the feet of doves. Perhaps then, if we listen attentively, we will hear the gentle rumble of life and hope, like the faintest flutter of wings, amid the din of empires and nations. Some people say that this hope is brought by a nation, while others say that it is brought by one person.
On the contrary, I think, it is the hope that is inspired, animated, and sustained by thousands of solitary individuals whose actions and works daily deny the boundaries of history and its crudest appearances in order to allow the always-threatened truth to A moment of brilliance flashes, and this truth is established by everyone for everyone, based on their own pain and joy. 26 No matter where we are, when a laborer faces a tank with his bare hands and shouts that he is not a slave, how can we remain indifferent? 27 First of all, poverty has never been a misfortune to me. The sunshine is full of wealth there. ——Poverty makes me believe that not everything is beautiful; and the sunshine tells me that history is not everything. 28 Death is inevitable, but everyone has his own death. After all, the sun still warms our bodies and bones.