Blow out the reading lamp and you will be covered with moon. -- Guiling
No book in the world can bring you good luck, but they can make you quietly become yourself. -- Hermann Hesse
Reading is not for eloquence and refutation; nor is it for credulity and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing. -- Francis Hengce·Bacon
Reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people thoughtful, science makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logic and rhetoric make people eloquent. Whatever you learn becomes your character. -- Francis Bacon
Studying is not to get a diploma or get rich, but to become a person who has warmth, understands emotions and can think. -- Yang Jiang
The biggest reason for reading is to help Ye Hong get rid of mediocrity. One day sooner, he will have more excitement in life; one day later, he will have more troubles with mediocre posture. -- Yu Qiuyu
Reading as a young man is like peeping at the moon through a gap, reading in middle age is like looking at the moon in a courtyard, and reading in old age is like playing with the moon on the stage. The shallowness and depth of experience are all based on the shallowness and depth of experience. -- Zhang Chao "Youmengying"
There are no boring books in the world, and all books are interesting. It can be said that books that have not been read are generally interesting. As for books that have been read once, if you want to find them more interesting, you have to spend more time reading them. That's it. -- Natsuhiko Kyogoku "Summer of the Bird"
I have read many books, but most of them have been forgotten later. So what is the meaning of reading? When I was a child, I ate a lot of food that I can't remember now, but I'm sure some of it has grown into my bones and flesh.
No one ever reads, only people read themselves, discover themselves or check themselves in books. -- Romain Rolland
The meaning of books: "Books are the carrier of culture, the collection of thinking, the crystallization of wisdom and morality, the culmination of spiritual sites, and the spiritual quality and spiritual ability of human beings to develop themselves. , the only way to improve one's spiritual realm and improve one's mental outlook. ——Wang Meng?
I took a book and basked in the sun on the bench, and my heart became soft and easy to cry, like a sentimental one. old man.
-- North Island