The allusion of Chu people losing their bows is probably as follows:
The King of Chu lost his bow while traveling, and asked for it from left and right. The king said: "Stop, the people of Chu have lost their bows, and the people of Chu have gained them, so why ask for them!" Confucius heard this and said: "It is enough to get rid of the 'Chu'." When Lao Dan heard this, he said: "Get rid of the 'people' That’s right.”
As far as Confucianism and Taoism are concerned, it is about great love. In the King of Chu's mind, it would not matter if a Chu man lost his bow and it was picked up by a Chu man. Confucius felt that it was too narrow, and he was obsessed with the category of Chu people. This was stingy, and removing the word "Chu" would be a great love. Lao Dan also came to join in the fun. You are still obsessed with people, and you are also stingy. You have also used the word "person".
Great love means that all living beings are equal. This equality is essentially different from today’s saying that “all people are created equal”.
The equality of great love means that all living beings are equal. Equality means that there is no difference between others and me, and the equality we talk about today mostly emphasizes the equality of personality, but it is still inevitable to have to fight to the death based on the equality of initial conditions.
Therefore, although everyone is shouting "equality" today, there is always a strange smell.
Imagine that time has changed. If one day some kind of animal or artificial creature or extraterrestrial life has intelligence and language, can they become them? Can we wait for equality?
Okay, let’s not go that far, what about Africans to Americans?
What about mainlanders to Hong Kong people?
What about rural people versus urban people?
What am I to you?
Can we wait for it equally?
The answer is that if it is just a concept, no one will object to it. Most people will support it as long as it does not affect themselves. But when it comes to resource competition and life pressure, most people cannot deal with it calmly. In short, in most cases, after a battle between heaven and man, ideas give way to reality.
Because in a sense, the "equality" that everyone is pursuing today is just not wanting to be treated as unfair by others.
When I say this, I don’t mean to deny it. It is also part of true equality. I just want to point out the real humanity behind this seemingly noble ideal. I also hope that even if true equality is difficult to achieve, at least everyone should believe that there is such great love in the world.