White rice is grown in the flower and grass fields, and there are valleys in the hills.
Proverbs are concise and concise phrases that are widely circulated among the people. Most of them reflect the practical life experience of working people and are usually passed down orally.
They are mostly easy-to-understand short sentences or rhymes in spoken language;
Proverbs, like idioms, are part of the language as a whole and can increase the vividness and vividness of the language. , but proverbs and famous quotes are different. Proverbs are the practical life experience of working people, while famous quotes are what celebrities say.
Proverbs are artistic statements that are collectively created by the people, widely circulated, concise, comprehensive and relatively qualitative. They are regular summaries of the people’s rich wisdom and common experience. Proper use of proverbs can make the language lively and interesting, and enhance the article. expressiveness;