Yue Jue-shu said, "A virtuous slave is unfaithful, and a virtuous man does not believe it."
"Hanshu" said: "The big line is not meticulous, and the gift is not allowed."
Huang Shigong said, "People working in a wide range of fields are in short supply ... even if they succeed, they will fail." .
Sima Cuo said, "Those who want to enrich the country will have a wide range of services."
make public
Confucius said, "an upright man is open and poised, I am worried."
Confucius said, "Those who live in their old homes and have no worries are not far away." : those who have just returned to the world to taste the escape have a low ambition. "
Tang also said, "The stone is short and brown, and the world is beautiful."
Shen Zi said, "Beauty is the best in the world. If you wear leather, everyone will go. "
"Yi" said: "Seek with the same spirit".
There is an old saying: "Everyone is jealous of each other."
Good minister-
Chun Shen Jun made his grandson a butcher, and the guest said, "Tang Wu is only a hundred miles away, and it is the best in the world." Grandson, saint, you are a hundred miles away, and I will steal it for you. "
Another guest said: "The sage is here, his monarch is disrespectful, and his country is disrespectful." Chun Shen Jun sent someone to ask his grandson.
Let's talk about it for the time being, in fact, it's too numerous to mention, and it's the same today. The above arguments in both positive and negative directions are very reasonable, and it is impossible to refute one side. How did this happen?
Our country is too big, with a long history and a large population, and it is inevitable that there will be inconsistencies. And there is no long-term peace, and there is always a war. However, after the establishment of a dynasty, ordinary people can continue to live in the way of the previous dynasty, because the cultural level has basically not changed, except for the dynasty ruled by foreigners (in fact, it has not changed much); Europe is different. The national culture in the back is very different from that in the front, and people's lifestyles have to change, so there is a bottom-up change, but China does not. Just because of migration, war, reading sages' books, doing business and enforcing the law, China has produced different schools, which only spread in their respective sub-cultural fields. As for the top unified culture, there has been no unification. Confucianism after the Han Dynasty was officially defined as China's cultural orthodoxy, but in history, it could not conceal other schools, especially in practical application. The official Confucianism is not adaptable, not as grounded as legalists, and ordinary people are willing to think and do things with the ideas of other schools. If China culture is compared to a bowl of soup, Confucian culture is soup, accounting for the main part, but it is the food that makes the soup delicious.
The two documentaries "The Tip of the Tongue" tell us that even in modern times, the shaping effect of geographical environment on regional culture cannot be concealed, let alone in ancient times. The ancient culture is particularly regional, and the very chaotic phenomena we see may come from the values of different regions. For example, the customs of Qin and Qi were completely different and passed down to later generations. It is not appropriate to unify the two books of Qin and Qi thoughts before scholars. This may explain the strange phenomenon of the above examples, but the most interesting thing is the application of these two ideas. Because of the different geographical conditions, the policy that is absolutely no problem in Qin State cannot be implemented in Qi State, and vice versa. The Shang Dynasty was reformed in Qin Dynasty, but he may not be in Qi, or he is a new Guan Zhong, which needs careful analysis.
The above is about people's confusion about ancient regional culture and overall culture. Let's take a few examples at the beginning of the article.
Let's talk about beauty first. Two people have completely different views on beauty. The former thinks that the stone is so beautiful that everything looks good. The latter thinks that beautiful women are set off by clothes, and they are as ugly as wearing clothes. I'm afraid there is an answer to this topic now. First of all, "beauty is set off by clothes" is a wrong view. It is true that beauty depends on clothes, but the decisive factor is face and figure. Clothes are icing on the cake, and their own factors are the role of timely help, which cannot be mentioned in the same breath. The latter may not have seen the most beautiful beauty, or have no keen sense in this respect. If you give him an iPad with Internet access and cultivate his aesthetic ability towards women, it is estimated that he will soon delete the Weibo that "beauty is set off by clothes".
In view of China literati's love of communication, they compare beauty to emperors and clothes to courtiers. So these two views are equivalent: as long as the emperor is strong, he can do anything; The emperor ruled the country by courtiers, and nothing could be done without good ministers. The answer to this question is not as simple as that discussed in the last paragraph. There are many real historical materials in history to support the views of both sides. It's just that causality needs to be clarified. Is it because the emperor is strong that he attracts the virtuous ministers, or is it because the virtuous ministers make the emperor strong? Who is the first inducement? I can't say clearly. Can we discuss it separately according to the war and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom? In the war, we rely more on courtiers, such as famous courtiers in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. During the Taiping years, emperors such as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong relied on them to make decisions. But ... this statement, on the other hand, seems to be no problem. . .
So in our discussion, we still ignore two important factors, one is the role and the other is the situation. Let's talk about the role first. When a person becomes an emperor, his ideas must be different from those of his officials, and vice versa. Therefore, because of different roles and different emphases, it is meaningless to generalize which is important. For an ambitious emperor, it must be based on self-confidence and think that a good minister is the most important; For an emperor who has no opinion, he will take his servants as his life; For tyrants, they only believe in their own strength and don't know how to die.
The role theory can't fully explain the problem, so we must examine the situation of the country at that time. The situation is unusual. If this country is in a time of peace, it is meaningless to discuss which is more important, and the life of ordinary people and the order of national operation are the most important; If there is civil strife in this country, it is necessary to divide the situation-when the emperor is not timid, the emperor is the most important, and when the emperor is a bitch or tyrant, the virtuous minister is the most important (to avoid lack of talent or usurpation of power); If this country encounters a foreign enemy, it should be divided into different situations-when the enemy is strong and we are weak, the sage is the most important (the general who can win the battle); When the strength of the enemy and the enemy is equal, the virtuous minister is also the most important; When the enemy is weak and we are strong, the emperor is the most important (when the emperor is a coward, the general should be prevented from usurping power, and when the emperor is a tyrant, the general should keep a good back road to prevent the donkey from being killed). It is useless to talk about who is right and who is wrong if we continue to analyze layer by layer.
Speaking of the situation and good ministers, I have to talk about the last example about Sun Tzu and Chun Shen Jun. Under the circumstances at that time, Chun Shen Jun was the boss, but he was passive. Grandson is an employee, but he is the initiative. Because his grandson is so excellent, he directly lost Chun Shen Jun. The situation at this time is that grandson is strong and son is weak. Because of self-protection or strong hesitation, the weak have two completely different attitudes towards their grandchildren. If Chun Shen Jun is strong enough, there is no need to guard against the bad influence of his grandson. This kind of strength can be strength or boldness of vision. For example, when Liu Bang had no money, he told a big lie and said that he spent 10,000 yuan. This is the charm. Chen Deng advised Cao Cao to kill Lu Bu, saying that Lu Bu was like a tiger. If he doesn't eat enough meat, he will eat people. Cao Cao directly replied: "Lu Bu is just an eagle. Only by making it hungry can it be used by me. " Cao Cao is more powerful than Lu Bu, so he can play with you first. This reminds me of the movie Pi. Before Bengal tigers were trained, the situation was that tigers were better than people; After domestication, tigers are weaker than people. Situation and role are important factors in judging the direction of things and making decisions.
The so-called contradiction is just that the roles and situations are different and the speakers come from different regions and cultural circles. It is not surprising to say such a thing. Two days ago, I saw someone on Douban saying (to the effect): "The investigation and research that can be completed on the computer is of little value." The difference between him and people in IT, finance, culture, online editing and many other fields lies in his role and situation. Perhaps his circle is also a micro-cultural circle that pays attention to practice, which is why he has this language. To be honest, when I first saw this sentence, I felt like a loser, but I didn't know my role and situation and the sub-regional environment (circle) until I thought about it carefully. After climbing out of the trap of judgment, I was afraid, so I wrote this article for readers.